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发布时间:2023-09-30 22:00:59

[单项选择]The word "accepted" in the last sentence of the first paragraph roughly means ______.
A. believed
B. assumed
C. received
D. reconciled

更多"The word 'accepted' in the last sen"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The word "afflict" in the third sentence of the first paragraph most probably means "______".
A. benefit
B. cause suffering to
C. teach
D. draw attention from
[单项选择]The word "subjects" (first sentence, last paragraph) refers to ______.
A. the performance tests used in the study of sleep deficit
B. special branches of knowledge that are being studied
C. people whose behaviors or reactions are being studied
D. the psychological consequences of sleep deficit
[单项选择]The word "thrilling" (second sentence, last paragraph) probably means ______.
A. frightening
B. terrifying
C. exciting
D. disappointing
[单项选择]The word "chronotherapy" (second sentence, last paragraph) means a treatment which ______.
[单项选择]The word "literature" in the last sentence refers to ______.
A. stories, poems, plays, etc
B. written works on a particular subject
C. any printed material
D. the modern literature of America
[单项选择]As used in the last sentence, the word "drains" means ______.
A. stops
B. ties
C. weakens
D. flows gradually
[单项选择]The last sentence in the last paragraph implies that ______.
A. it is difficult to cool the engine
B. the driver can only open the hood on a hot summer day
C. the driver has to be very patient
D. it takes a long time to open the hood in summer
[单项选择]The word "desalination" in the last sentence may mean______ .
A. river freezing
B. iceberg forming
C. removing salt from water
D. iceberg floating
[单项选择]The word" nucleus" in the last sentence probably refers to ______.
A. musicians famous in Africa
B. musicians at the center of attention
C. musicians acting as the centre in a performance
D. active participation in a musical performance
[单项选择]The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to______.
A. birds and parasites
B. birds and sheep
C. parasites and sheep
D. sheep, birds and parasites
[单项选择]The word "pronounced" in the last sentence of the passage probably means ______.
A. sympathetic
B. conspicuous
C. identifiable
D. unbridgeable
[单项选择]is the last sentence, the word "they" refers to ______.
A. cash and credits
B. buyers and sellers
C. return privileges
D. all the factors
[单项选择]In the last sentence of the last paragraph the word "cynic"is closest in meaning to
A. "a fault-finding critic".
B. "a peace-loving man".
C. "an outgoing man".
D. "a favorite companion".


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