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发布时间:2023-09-28 05:16:23

[单项选择]I understand that George can play piano {{U}}by ear{{/U}}; is that true
A. without dependence on written music
B. with his eyes closed
C. by hitting the keys with his ears
D. by someone who spoke into his ear

更多"I understand that George can play p"的相关试题:

[单项选择]-- Sue likes playing the piano, but she can't play it well.
A. So does her sister
B. Nor does her sister
C. So is her sister
D. So it is with her sister
[单项选择]—Sue likes playing the piano, but she can't play it well.—_________.
A. So does her sister
B. Nor does her sister
C. So is her sister
D. So it is with her sister
[单项选择]I can't play the piano as I used to-my fingers have gone ______ from lack of practice.
A. stiff
B. stuff
C. rigid
D. raw
[单项选择]My brother is only six, ______ he can play piano very well.
[单项选择]The reason why I study medicine is ______ I can ease the sufferings of the patient.
A. that
B. why
C. in that
D. in which
[单项选择]It was ______ of you not to play the piano while I was sleeping.
A. considerable
B. considered
C. considerate
D. considering
[单项选择]It was ______ of you not to play the piano while your brother had a bad headache.
A. considerable
B. considering
C. considered
D. considerate
[单项选择]I can hardly stand ______ a piano ______ so badly.
A. hearing... being played
B. hearing... playing
C. to hear... playing
D. to hear... play
[单项选择]Can you play ______
A. piano
B. pianos
C. a piano
D. the piano
[单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that in the eastern United States there were many ______.
A. trees
B. settlers
C. types of fuel
D. situations requiring adaptation
[单项选择]Every one can only play the games for ten minutes ______.
A. at a time
B. at any time
C. at times
D. at one time
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the football game was played in______on that Sunday afternoon.
A. Washington
B. Miami
C. Baltimore
D. Colorado
[单项选择]We can neither play football ______ do our homework today.
[单项选择]Children are always happy. They can play ______.
[单项选择]I can't help (to think) it (would be) fun (to play) such (an exciting) game with them.
A. to think
B. would be
C. to play
D. an exciting

Passage Four Mrs. Peters stopped playing the piano when she began to work. She had lived in a very small flat, and there had been no room for a piano. But when she married, she had .a new flat which was big enough for one. So she decided to get one and her husband agreed and helped her. She saved some money, and her parents gave her a generous amount of money for her birthday. Then she went to a shop and said, "I’ll choose whichever piano does not cost too much and fits into my living room. When she had paid for the piano, the shop assistant asked her if she would like him to get it tuned(调音) every few months. Mrs. Peters agreed. A few months later she heard from the shop that a man was coming to tune the piano at ten that morning. Now she had not cleaned the house yet, so it was dusty and untidy. Mrs. Peters hated having even the least amount of dirt, and felt ashamed whenever strange people saw her house like that. So she had to hurry to clean everything caref
A. hating dirt
B. cleaning everything
C. waiting for the man
D. feeling ashamed of the dirty and untidy house


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