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发布时间:2023-10-22 09:50:28

[单项选择]Learning how to use the Internet (effective)______is very important for the students today.

更多"Learning how to use the Internet (e"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Learning how to use the Internet effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn two different but related bodies of knowledge.
A. 要学习将因特网这一销售工具作为手段,你需要学会两种彼此之间不相关联的知识。
B. 学习有效使用因特网和营销工具,您得学习互相关联但却各不相同的两大块知识。
C. 如果你学会了这两大块不相关的知识,就等于学会了有效地在因特网上搞推销的工具。
D. 学习有效地利用因特网作为营销工具,就意味着要学习两类互不相同却又互相关联的知识。
[单项选择]Students learning about how life began on Earth may be presented with the perplexing question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg"
A. pressing
B. puzzling
C. patronizing
D. penetrating
[单项选择]Learning to use computer is getting easier all the time because programs are designed to be convenient and are becoming readily __________ to computer users.
A. reasonable
B. available
C. approachable
D. attainable
[单项选择]As large as learning to use a word processor is concerned the writer of the passage feels that Hammond ______.
A. is understating the problem
B. exaggerates one drawback
C. is too skeptical about the advantage ,
D. overestimates the danger of losing text
[判断题]Learning is more effective when the learners are actively involved in the learning process.()
[单项选择]Learning to use computers is what we want to ______ from the program.
A. help
B. make
C. aid
D. benefit
[单项选择]The recent conference on the effective use of the seas and oceans was another attempt resolving major differences among countries with conflicting interests.
A. resolve
B. resolves
C. to resolve
D. being resolved
[单项选择]At a time when Internet use is expanding rapidly, social critics say the technology could______the fragmentation of U. S. society or help to fuse it, depending on how it is used.
A. (A) attenuate
B. (B) exacerbate
C. (C) simplify
D. (D) eradicate
E. (E) retard
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching the client how to use a cane. Which of the following statements is most inaccurate
A. The client should hold the cane on the involved side.
B. The client should hold the cane close to his body.
C. The stride length and the timing of each step should be equal.
D. The nurse should stand behind the client to prevent falls.
[单项选择]How will wireless computers and Internet services help rural areas


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