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发布时间:2023-10-02 00:18:24

[单项选择]The new research project was led by the______engineer.
A. main
B. major
C. chief
D. primary

更多"The new research project was led by"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to a research project undertaken by the Open University, competition between nearby schools________.
A. raises the academic standard
B. produces good exam results
C. lowers the academic standard
D. offers students fewer choices to college
[单项选择]To succeed in a scientific research project, ______.
A. one needs to be persistent
B. persistence is needed
C. one needs be a persistent person
D. persistence is what one needs
[单项选择]My hair wants ______ , but the research project has kept me busy.
A. cut
B. to cut
C. cutting
D. being cut
[单项选择]You are the project manager of a new project,which will construct a bridge on the River Nile in Egypt.Before initiating the project,you should ().
A. create a scope management plan to document:how the project scope will be defined,verified and controlled
B. develop a project management plan
C. determine specific activities that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables
D. facilitate the formal authorization to start a new project
[单项选择]—The research on the new birds flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job —my students have a try
A. Shall
B. Must
C. Will
D. May
[单项选择]The new trend in artificial intelligence research stems from______.
A. the shift of the focus of study onto the recognition of the shapes of objects
B. the belief that human intelligence cannot be duplicated with logical, step-by-step programs
C. the aspirations of scientists to duplicate the intelligence of a ten-month-old child
D. the efforts made by scientists in the study of the similarities between transistors and brain cells
[单项选择]Please()me how to do the market research for a new product.
A.  take
B.  have
C.  show
D.  give
[单项选择] A project requires a new server to be set up with the ability to automatically fail over its Ethernet connection to a second connection if a network failure occurs. Which of the following provides greatest resiliency?()
A. Two switch ports will be needed on a switch, two Ethernet cables will be needed for the server each connecting to two different Ethernet cards, and one IP address will be needed.
B. Two switch ports will be needed on two different switches, two Ethernet cables will be needed for the server each connecting to two different Ethernet cards, and one IP address will be needed.
C. Two switch ports will be needed on two different switches, two Ethernet cables will be needed for the server each connecting to two different Ethernet cards, two different IP addresses will be needed.
D. One switch port will be needed on one switch, a splitter will be needed to split the connection, two Ethernet cables will be needed for the server each connecting to two different Ethernet cards, and two different IP addresses will be needed.
[单项选择]During project execution, a new ISO version of standard 9000 is issued. The project team meets with the quality department to determine how the standard will apply to the project. Which part of the quality process is this
A. Quality analysi
B. Quality assuranc
C. Quality contro
D. Quality plannin
[单项选择]The project to build five new schools in this region ______ by the end of the next year.
A. will have been completed
B. will have completed
C. is being completed
D. has been completed
[单项选择]You are a new project manager who has never managed a project before.You have been asked to plan a new project.It would be BEST in this situation to rely on () during planning in order to improve your chance of success.
A. your intuition and training
B. stakeholder analysis
C. historical information
D. configuration management
[单项选择]Muscat's research and a study in New England Journal of Medicine demonstrate that ______.
[单项选择]We can make the new research an()priority.
A.  entire
B.  obvious
C.  expensive
D.  absolute
[单项选择]A project manager has just been assigned to a new project and has been given the project charter.The FIRST thing the project manager must do is ().
A. create a project scope statement
B. confirm that all the stakeholders have had input into the scope
C. analyze project risk
D. begin work on a project management plan
[单项选择]Research has produced many new _______ that will be used in the manufacture of a variety of goods.
A. hypotheses
B. summaries
C. synthetics
D. emphases
[单项选择]The new government’s tax raise policy actually led to the result that the incomes from taxation actually _________.
A. shrink
B. delay
C. disperse
D. sink
[单项选择]The big IT company will ______ a new research center in the city.
A. set up
B. break up
C. get up
D. turn up


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