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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:41:57

[单项选择]I ______ him the Christmas gift by mail because he came home during the Christmas holidays.
A. ought to have sent
B. couldn’t have sent
C. must have sent
D. needn’t have sent

更多"I ______ him the Christmas gift by "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Brown’s father told him he could have _____ he wanted for birthday.
A. wherever
B. whatever
C. whenever
D. whichever
[单项选择]Bill’s secretary interrupted to tell him he had a telephone call.()
A. cut out
B. cut in
C. took in
D. took out
[单项选择]Wolfgang's father told him he couldn't play the piano yet because ______.
A. his sister was taking lessons
B. he had to help his mother
C. he was too small
D. he had to wait for sister to finish practising
[单项选择]Tell him he should stop ______ and get some sleep.
A. worry
B. worrying
C. to worry
D. from worrying
[单项选择] Tell him he should stop __________ and get some sleep.
A. worry
B. worrying
C. to worry
D. from worrying
[单项选择]The work he was upon would him, he hoped, the fellowship to Oxford.
A. allow
B. accept
C. earn
D. reward
[单项选择]Everything he ______ away from him before he returned to school.
A. took
B. had taken
C. had had been taken
D. had been taken
[单项选择]If you ______ him tomorrow, please ask him if he ______ to work on the farm with us.
[单项选择]His fellow workers like and respect him because he is a man of ______.
A. sincerity
B. injustice
C. inquiry
D. hostility
[单项选择]I broke my relationship with him because he always found ______ with me.
A. mistake
B. failure
C. error
D. fault
[单项选择]The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ______ him of speeding.
A. charged
B. accused
C. blamed
D. warned
[单项选择]They were extremely impressed by him because he was ______ generous.
A. excessively
B. exceedingly
C. excessly
D. exceeding
[单项选择]The doctor told him that he should take this medicine one pill at one time.
A. told
B. should take
C. one
D. one
[单项选择]People seldom trust him since he usually fails to______his promises.
A. keep to
B. keep on
C. keep off
D. keep up
[单项选择]Tom's mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ______ didn't work.
[单项选择]It is futile to argue with him once he has made up his mind().
A. unpleasant
B. encouraging
C. helpful
D. useless


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