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发布时间:2023-09-30 22:14:25

[单项选择]Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because ______.
A. she thought she had better qualifications than others
B. her husband had persuaded her to
C. it was very well paid
D. some of her friends had encouraged her to

更多"Jane finally decided to apply for h"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because _______.
A. she thought she had better qualifications than others
B. her husband had persuaded her to
C. it was very well paid
D. some of her friends had encouraged her to
[单项选择]The narrator had finally decided to attend the fraternity party perhaps because ______.
A. she had fallen in love with him at the first sight
B. she changed her mind when the guy had left
C. she felt lucky to win the bet
D. she was able to buy a black miniskirt with the money she won
[单项选择]What are her present feelings about her children
[单项选择]Ann ______ an English book as a present to Jane for her sixteenth(第十六) birthday tomorrow.
[单项选择]In 1962, President ______ finally decided on the use of naval forceto prevent military material and arms from entering Cuba and demandedSoviet removal of the missiles there.
A. Nixon
B. Truman
C. Johnson
D. Kennedy
[单项选择]Mary finally decided ______ all the junk she had kept in the garage.
A. get rid
B. gotten rid of
C. getting rid of
D. to get rid of
[单项选择]It's exciting to apply for a job that you really like.
A. 要申请一个你真正喜欢的工作。
B. 运用工作中的知识是令人兴奋的。
C. 申请一个真正使你喜欢的工作是令人兴奋的事。
D. 在你喜欢的工作中运用知识是令人兴奋的事。
[单项选择]The secretary resigned from her job as she felt sick of dealing with______ matters all day, every day.
A. prominent
B. trivial
C. preliminary
D. minimum
[单项选择]She {{U}}gave up{{/U}} her job to look after her invalid mother.
A. quitted
B. lost
C. paused
D. retired
[单项选择]We met Jane and her parents at the party two months ago. ______ we've had no further communication.
A. Thereof
B. Thereby
C. Thereafter
D. Thereabouts
[单项选择]Janet loved her job and enjoyed every day of it, although she found Mondays in the office a ______boring.
A. schedule
B. routine
C. trifle
D. report
[单项选择]She gave up her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult ______.
A. look after
B. to look after
C. looking after
D. be looked
[单项选择]She was slated to present an abstract of her thesis at the national convention, and so spent the holiday ______.
A. touching on it
B. touching it up
C. touching it
D. touching it down
[单项选择]Neither Jane nor her brothers ______a consent form for tomorrow's field trip.
A. need
B. needs
C. is needing
D. has need


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