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发布时间:2023-10-08 05:23:21

[单项选择]His courage and confidence were based ______ knowledge.
A. of
B. to
C. on
D. for

更多"His courage and confidence were bas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Stokoe's argument is based on his belief that
A. sign language is as efficient as any other language
B. sign language is derived from natural language
C. language is a system of meaningful codes
D. language is a product of the brain
[单项选择]He based his holiday plans on the()that his girlfriend was coming with him.
A. hypothesis
B. synthesis
C. thesis
D. crisis
[单项选择]His actions were more () of his real purpose than were his words.
A. magnificent
B. significant
C. splendid
D. superb
[单项选择]Emerson based his religion on an intuitive belief in an ultimate unity, which he called ______.
A. the Spirit
B. the Overlord
C. the Oversoul
D. the Self
[单项选择]He that his guests were bored, although they were listening politely.
A. impressed
B. sensed
C. inferred
D. identified
[单项选择]Stoker's argument is based on his belief that______.
A. language is a product of the brain
B. language is a system of meaningful codes
C. sign language is derived from natural language
D. sign language is as efficient as any other language
[单项选择]His features were agreeable; his body, ______ slight of build, had something of athletic outline.
A. somehow
B. as
C. though
D. somewhat
[单项选择]His colleagues were envious ______ his promotion.
A. by
B. of
C. with
D. to
[单项选择]His shoes were shined to perfection.
A. cleared
B. washed
C. polished
D. mended
[单项选择]The reporters were most interested in hearing his ___________ views on the situation in the Persian Gulf.
A. private
B. individual
C. specific
D. personal
[单项选择]The loans were made based on fake certificates of deposit issued by bank branch officials.
A. artificial
B. false
C. dishonest
D. pretended
[单项选择]His classes were packed and students, responding to the warmth of his personality and the ______of his lectures, would cluster round him before and after the class to bombard him with questions.
A. propaganda
B. temptation
C. doctrine
D. stimulus
[单项选择]He was easily hurt because his feelings were very ______.
A. sensible
B. sensational
C. sensitive
D. senseless
[单项选择]All his attempts to argue about the rightness were ______.
A. futile
B. not important
C. effective in use
D. without reason


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