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发布时间:2023-10-18 09:15:11

[单项选择]The authorities are willing to permit a run-down in the country’s international reserves over the next few years as means of accelerating the introduction of foreign technology. ( )
A. speeding up
B. speeding on
C. speeding off
D. speeding down

更多"The authorities are willing to perm"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I'm willing to lend you a hand ______ busy I'm for the moment.
A. because
B. but that
C. but
D. however
[单项选择]Many local authorities are ______ opposed to the introduction of comprehensive schooling.
A. strangely
B. strictly
C. severely
D. sharply
[单项选择]I am {{U}}not willing{{/U}} to concede that I have hurt her, because that's not my real intention.
A. agreeable
B. ready
C. compliant
D. reluctant
[单项选择]He is willing to go with me, but I'd rather he ______ at home.
[单项选择]The military authorities are seriously considering abandoning the expensive______plane.
A. three million dollars
B. three millions of dollars
C. three-million-dollar
D. three million-dollar
[多项选择]Which three advanced permit actions within security policies are valid?() (Choose three.)
A. Mark permitted traffic for firewall user authentication.
B. Mark permitted traffic for SCREEN options.
C. Associate permitted traffic with an IPsec tunnel.
D. Associate permitted traffic with a NAT rule.
E. Mark permitted traffic for IDP processing.
[单项选择]Tax authorities accuse owners and senior executives of' three of Republic of Korea' s main newspapers of three kind of crimes, except for what

A. Falsifying accounts.
B. Money laundering.
C. Corruption,
D. Selling shares to family members at below market value.
[单项选择]The public and authorities are particularly concerned about the ______ from the unclear power stations.
A. extracts
B. injections
C. discharges
D. drainage
[单项选择] A network administrator wants to permit Telnet traffic initiated from the address book entry the10net in a zone called UNTRUST to the address book entry Server in a zone called TRUST. However, the administrator does not want the server to be able to initiate any type of traffic from the TRUST zone to the UNTRUST zone. Which configuration statement would correctly accomplish this task?()
A. from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address any; destination-address any; application any; } then { deny; } } } from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }
B. from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address Server; destination-address any; application any; } then {deny; } } } from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }
C. from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match { source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-ftp; } then { permit; } } }
D. from-zone TRUST to-zone UNTRUST { policy DenyServer { match { source-address Server; destination-address any; application any; } then { permit; } } } from-zone UNTRUST to-zone TRUST { policy AllowTelnetin { match {source-address the10net; destination-address Server; application junos-telnet; } then { permit; } } }
[单项选择]Most authorities believe that urban street crime from a combination of poverty, poor education and a lack of opportunity. ________.
A. rises
B. raises
C. arises
D. arouses
[单项选择]We learn from the passage that school authorities in Kalkaska are more concerned about ______.
[单项选择]Even though the Italian authorities may no longer ______ any old bank that gets into trouble, the likelihood of government support for big banks has not changed enough to affect its ratings.
A. bail out
B. draw out
C. hang out
D. knock out
[单项选择]The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of disease in the ______ of the earthquake.
A. consequence
B. aftermath
C. result
D. affect
[单项选择]The authorities of this station see unemployment as their ______ priority.
A. standing alone
B. on the grounds that
C. number one
D. at first sight
[单项选择]Alerting the authorities would be justified if tile fraud is likely to result in a ______ gain or loss for any one person or group of people.
A. magnificent
B. material
C. great
D. superficial
[单项选择]Which of the following will permit an operator to retrieve console log output from the command line?()
A. lscons -l
B. cat /var/conslog
C. alog -t console -o
D. lslog /var/adm/conslog
[单项选择]Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured for these vty line protocols?()
A. transport type all
B. transport output all
C. transport preferred all
D. transport input all
[单项选择]The local authorities decided to keep the old temple for its historical _____.
A. value
B. benefit
C. wealth
D. property


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