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发布时间:2023-10-11 07:15:01

[单项选择]Daniel often attempts to escape ______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A. to fine
B. to be fined
C. having been fined
D. being fined

更多"Daniel often attempts to escape ___"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mark often attempts to escape _______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A. having been fined
B. to have been fined
C. to be fined
D. being fined
[单项选择]Mark often attempts to escape______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A. having been fined
B. to have been fined
C. being fined
D. to be fined
[单项选择]Mark often attempts to escape ______ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
A. having been fined
B. to have been fine
C. to be fined
D. being fined
[单项选择]The man had a ______ escape when he ran across the street in front of the bus.
A. close
B. good
C. narrow
D. fine
[单项选择]Jerry ______ to go out very often until he met Lisa.
[单项选择]He often attends public lectures at the university of California chiefly ______ his English.
A. to improve
B. as to improve
C. to import
D. expect for

He doesn't often agree with me. He thinks different from me.()

A. different to
B. different with
C. differently from
D. differently to
[单项选择]Although he often goes to school late, ______ he does well in all subjects.
A. yet
B. but
C. also
D. and
[单项选择]He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than ______.
A. he was in good health
B. was good for his health
C. his good health was
D. his health was good
[单项选择]He often comes to school______ foot. But he came ______his father's car today.
[单项选择]He and other environmentalists often went to scenic ________ to collect litter people had left.
A. vicinities
B. spots
C. locations
D. localities
[单项选择]Although he is often tired______his courses, he is never tired______his lessons. In fact, he enjoys them.
A. of; with
B. with; from
C. with; of
D. at; with
[单项选择]______he has many friends,he is often feeling lonely.
A. As
B. When
C. While
D. Since
[单项选择]When a writer is writing he often gets the whole conception ______.
A. after thinking for a long time
B. through an instant inspiration
C. according to his own experience
D. by way of watching the objects attentively
[单项选择]The man told me under rose that he often took trouble on your account.
A. 不辞劳苦
B. 挑剔
C. 打理
D. 惹麻烦
[单项选择]He often quoted "reason over passion" as maxim in ______ the longstanding division among Canada' s English- speaking majority and the French descended minority concentrated in his home province of Quebec.
A. adjusting
B. reconciling
C. conquering
D. consolidating


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