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发布时间:2023-10-05 08:19:04

[单项选择]After all, ______ her faults are, she is Arnold's mother.
A. no matter how
B. however
C. whatever
D. what

更多"After all, ______ her faults are, s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After all , ______ her faults are, she is Arnold's mother.
A. no matter how
B. however
C. whatever
D. what
[单项选择]Among all her faults, she thanked Heaven her enemies could not ______ her ______ prying into the affairs of other people.
A. charge... with
B. accuse... of
C. sue... for
D. indict... for
[单项选择]All her doubts {{U}}vanished{{/U}} after she saw the jewel in the drawer.
A. broke
B. disappeared
C. decreased
D. originated
[单项选择]After her husband died, she finished raising her children, and then she ______.
A. moved to Washington, D.C.
B. spent her winters in Washington and the rest of the year visiting her children and grandchildren
C. became sick
D. helped her son to establish a college for the deaf
[单项选择]She appreciated the ______ I gave her after she failed the test.
A. stimulation
B. enthusiasm
C. encouragement
D. motive
[单项选择]After her graduation from middle school, she decided to ______ her education in Pads.
A. further
B. practice
C. keep
D. remain
[单项选择]Attempts to persuade her stay after she felt insulted were ______.
A. of no avail
B. out of focus
C. queerly
D. in no way
[单项选择]Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt insulted were ________.
A. in no way
B. on the contrary
C. at a loss
D. of no avail
[单项选择]She had to exercise all her tact to prevent ______ between the two opinionated guests.
A. conflicts
B. contentions
C. contests
D. clashes
[单项选择]She is ______ teacher that all her students love both her and the subject she teaches.
A. so a good
B. so good a
C. such good a
D. a such good
[简答题]She stayed at home for a week to look after her ill child.需要修改的是哪个?修改为什么?
[单项选择]For 14 years after her spouse's death, she saw the _________ meaning of her life as nourishing her son and safeguarding her husband's works.
A. due
B. lone
C. sole
D. keen
[单项选择]All her hard work ______ in the end, and she finally passed the exam.
A. showed off
B. paid off
C. left off
D. kept off


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