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发布时间:2023-10-13 21:31:00

[单项选择](African) elephants are larger, (fiercer), and (difficulter) to tame (than) Asian elephants.
A. African
B. fiercer
C. difficulter
D. than

更多"(African) elephants are larger, (fi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following shows that elephants are different from human beings
A. They stay around the dead body for a long time.
B. Only females stay together for a long time.
C. The mothers teach their daughters and set a good example.
D. The older animals would look after the young ones.
[单项选择]Although a herd of African elephants may have {{U}}up to{{/U}} one thousand members, Asiatic elephants live in bands of five to sixty animals.
A. as many as
B. more than
C. fewer than
D. at least
[单项选择]______ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers.
A. Cultivated
B. Regulated
C. Civil
D. Tame
[单项选择]How long can elephants live
[单项选择]The long-term threat to the survival of elephants is the loss of their natural habitat.
A. ivory
B. environment
C. allies
D. instincts
[单项选择]When Elephants Paint is a book ()
A. on the history of arts
B. about the painting elephants in Asia
C. explaining how to teach elephants to paint
D. chiefly theorizing about elephant art
[单项选择]How do some countries protect elephants from being hunted
A. By persuading ivory hunters.
B. By trying to take more care of elephants.
C. By establishing elephant preserves.
D. By fighting with ivory hunters.
[单项选择]The main attraction of training mature elephants is______.
A. early financial returns
B. their willingness to obey their trainers
C. the avoidance of anxiety in the elephant
D. that elephants are difficult to keep
[单项选择]——How many elephants have you seen ——.
A. None
B. Nothing
C. No one
D. No
[单项选择]When a female elephant dies, other elephants would ______.
A. forget it quickly
B. carry the dead body with them
C. never stay with the dead body
D. take a bit of the dead body away sadly
[单项选择]Which of the following shows that elephants are like human beings
A. Elephants stay with their sons and daughters all the time.
B. Elephants never forget their sons and daughters.
C. Elephants remember feelings of sadness and happiness.
D. Elephants are sad when their sons stay away.
[单项选择]Many elephants were known to have perished of their wounds when there were no nature reserves.
A. died
B. treated
C. survived
D. neglected
[单项选择]Female elephants in India and southern Asia have ______
A. large and heavy tusks
B. small and short tusks or not any teeth at all
C. small and short tusks
D. long and light tusks
[单项选择]To encourage the elephants to paint well, the keeper()
A. bought them a lot of art supplies
B. made them excited at the beginning
C. taught them to hold a paintbrush with their trunks
D. reinforced the desired behaviors with rewards
[单项选择]Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because______.
[单项选择]By using their trunks, elephants can tell the shape of all object and ........ is rough or smooth, or hot or cold.
A. ( it
B. ( whether it
C. ( how
D. ( since it
[单项选择]Elephants live in families of ______.


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