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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:50:36

[单项选择]Mary (must be) over 30 (now); it's (about) time she (should get married).
A. must be
B. now
C. about
D. should get married

更多"Mary (must be) over 30 (now); it's "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Mary (must be) over 30 (now); it's (about) time she (should get married).
A. must be
B. now
C. about
D. should get married
[单项选择]Mary's parents are worried about Mary because no one was aware ______ she had gone.
A. of where
B. where that
C. the place
D. where of
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Mary Goddard's brother according to this passage
[单项选择]The May Day Holiday ______ over, we must now get down to work.
A. be
B. being
C. to have been
D. to be
[单项选择]—Well, I must be off now. I have an important meeting to attend.—Can we ____________ for another interview
A. go
B. fix a time
C. make a time
D. prepare
[单项选择]—It's getting late. I'm afraid I must be going now:—OK. ______ .
[单项选择]I really must go now!
[单项选择]I must be going now;______, if you want that book I'll bring it next time.
A. occasionally
B. accidentally
C. incidentally
D. recklessly
[单项选择]Over time, the major source of investment return and risk can most likely be attribute to:()
A. stock selection.
B. asset allocation.
C. risk management.
[单项选择]For some time now, world leaders _____ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.
A. had been pointing
B. have been pointing
C. were pointing
D. pointed
[单项选择]Woman: I haven't seen John for some time now.Man: He had an accident. I told him not to drive on like that.Question: What does the man think of John's driving
A. John always drives recklessly.
B. John always drives cautiously.
C. John always drives carefully.
D. John always drives after excessive drinking.
[单项选择]For some time now, world leaders ______ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.
A. had been pointing
B. have been pointing
C. were pointing
D. pointed
[单项选择]For some time now, ______ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.
A. rationality
B. flexibility
C. disinterestedness
D. insincerity
[单项选择]That community must now lead extensive reform of the region's universities and scientific institutions, rather than ______ against it.
A. entrench
B. entrench themselves
C. may entrench
D. may entrench themselves
[单项选择]Mary keeps talking about the party. She had a very good time, ______ she
[单项选择]The storm sweeping over this area now is sure to cause ______ of vegetables in the coming days.
A. rarity
B. scarcity
C. invalidity
D. variety


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