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发布时间:2023-10-31 06:03:53

[单项选择]The purpose of this passage is

更多"The purpose of this passage is"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The purpose of the passage is to
A. review some newly-published interior-design books.
B. explore the potential market for interior-design books.
C. persuade people to buy some good books.
D. stress the importance of reading good books.
[单项选择]What is the purpose of the passage
[单项选择]The main purpose of this passage was
[单项选择]What is the purpose of this passage
A. Introduce some new ideas about the relationship between trees and carbon dioxide.
B. Introduce recent condition of global industrial pollution.
C. Call on people to plant more trees to reduce greenhouse gases.
D. Point out that power companies should be responsible for the rising levels of carbon dioxide.
[单项选择]What is the main purpose of the passage
A. To outline contrasting types of economic systems.
B. To explain the science of economics.
C. To argue for the superiority of one economic system.
D. To compare barter and money exchange markets.
[单项选择]What is the main purpose of this passage
A. To look back to the early days of this passage.
B. To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.
C. To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.
D. To warn against a mentally lazy attitude towards computers.
[单项选择]The primary purpose of the passage is to
A. (A) contend that key terms in a scientific theory have been improperly used
B. (B) argue that proponents of a scientific theory have obscured important details
C. (C) demonstrate that two views once thought to be in conflict are actually identical
D. (D) suggest that proponents of a theory have not stated their data in an exhaustive manner
E. (E) show that a theory has been drawn into question by a more recent study
[单项选择]The main purpose of the passage is to
A. warn people of pickpockets.
B. tell people what to wear.
C. describe how to catch thieves.
D. explain how to contact the police.


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