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发布时间:2023-10-19 05:33:06

[单项选择]Which of the following aspects suggested by Gail Sheehy will most likely NOT be in line with the author's own definition of creativity
A. Preparation.
B. Incubation.
C. Illumination.
D. Revision.

更多"Which of the following aspects sugg"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following is suggested in the passage
A. Though the man had some trouble, he got the necklace without paying cash.
B. Nobody noticed the man take the necklace with him.
C. The manager never thought an old man would be a thief.
D. The thief always stole things in famous jewelry shops.
[单项选择]Which of the following is suggested by computer experts
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT suggested by Foster
A. It is now possible to make further study on Shakespeare by using computers.
B. Computers make it possible for scholars to compare different texts at ease.
C. Vast resources of Shakespeare’s works are available via Internet to the public.
D. The literary future lies in our ability to make full use of digital technology.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT suggested as a possible means to cope with the current situation
A. Create situations in which people work for themselves.
B. Treat employment as the norm.
C. Endeavor to revive the household and the neighborhood as centers of production.
D. Encourage people to work in circumstances other than normal working conditions.
[单项选择]Which of the following is TRUE about the suggested walking program ______ .
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a reason suggested in the argument against death penalty
A. Death penalty is not humane.
B. Death penalty cannot really deter criminals.
C. Possible error in conviction of some offenses.
D. Death penalty was used to suppress revolutionary groups.
[单项选择]All of the following Were suggested as being used by sleep researchers EXCEPT ______.
A. electrodes
B. hypnosis
C. charts
D. recorders
[单项选择]All of the following were suggested as being used by sleep researchers except
A. projection.
B. hypnosis.
C. charts.
D. recorders.
[单项选择]Which aspects of the goods does the passage highlight
A. Convenience and economy.
B. Popularity and utility.
C. Refreshingness and innovation.
D. Flavor and nutrition.
[多项选择]In which two aspects does hot patching differ from conventional patching?()
A. It consumes more memory compared with conventional patching.
B. It can be installed and uninstalled via OPatch unlike conventional patching.
C. It takes more time to install or uninstall compared with conventional patching.
D. It does not require down time to apply or remove unlike conventional patching.
E. It is not persistent across instance startup and shutdown unlike conventional patching.
[单项选择]According to Foley, which of the following aspects of the political and historical events of the late twentieth-century confirm Darwinian theory
A. (A) Social conservatism demands that human beings conform to established standards of behavior.
B. (B) As a movement, Nazism was doomed to perish by the same evolutionary forces that govern the expression of human emotions.
C. (C) The events of the twentieth century prove that social and biological thinking are incommensurate with one another.
D. (D) The disintegration of the postwar order was brought about by faulty relativist thinking.
E. (E) The decline of social progress indicates that social goals are limited by biological forces.
[单项选择]Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned when the passage discusses the benefits of artificial relationships
[单项选择]Which of the following aspects is the focus of the fourth paragraph
A. Quality control.
B. Inventory control.
C. Coordination of production activities.
D. The necessity to obtain the latest information.
[单项选择]When performing password recovery, which command should be entered at the boot prompt?()
A. boot -s
B. boot -r
C. boot single
D. boot recovery
[多项选择]When backing up a replication slave, which three should also be backed up in addition to data?()
A. The master.info and relay.info files
B. The relay log files
C. The relay index file
D. Mysql.slave_master_info table
E. Mysql.slave_relay_log_info table
F. Mysql.slave_worker_info table


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