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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:50:10

[单项选择]Who is going to perform in the Opening — Indian Cowboy Tribute on Saturday Night — 7: 00, March 8th
A. Fred Miller.
B. Debra Hill.
C. Terri Mason.
D. Shirley Field.

更多"Who is going to perform in the Open"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who is going to give a presentation on "songwriting"
A. Mike Puhallo.
B. Stephanie Davis.
C. Gerald Peterson.
D. Debra Hill.
[单项选择]We know from the text that those who are going to Japan will ______.
A. teach English only in Osaka
B. receive a degree from a university
C. have free accommodation
D. get trained for the job
[单项选择]Who's going to teach ______ Chinese next term
[单项选择]A person who has final say in an international company is usually influential one.
A. a; the
B. the; an
C. the; the
D. a; an
[单项选择]The question then ______as to who is going to do it.
A. arises
B. rises
C. raises
D. arouses
[单项选择]--Who are you going to have this letter ______ for you --My secretary.
A. type
B. typed
C. been typed
D. been typing
[单项选择]—Who are you going to have this letter______ for you?—My secretary.
A. type
B. typed
C. been typed
D. been typing
[单项选择]On no account ______ to anyone who works in the company.
A. my name must be mentioned
B. my name must mention
C. must my name be mentioned
D. must my name mention
[单项选择]A man who always ______ his salary can never be come very wealthy.
A. anticipate
B. articulate
C. manifest
D. monitor
[单项选择]Are you going downtown this afternoon I am going to have these letters ________.
A. mailed
B. mail
C. to mail
D. mailing
[单项选择]Are you going downtown this afternoon I'm going to have these letters ______.
A. to mail
B. mailed
C. mail
D. mailing
[单项选择]—When is Frank going to leave —He is going to sail ______ this week.
A. sometimes
B. some times
C. sometime
D. somewhat
[单项选择]The Indian government decides to dissolve Parliament ahead of time because ______.
A. the views of coalition parties are seriously divergent on some issues
B. the whole situation of the country may be better in April
C. its economy has returned to be vigorous and improved a lot
D. it has no confidence-in winning the next general elections
[单项选择]According to passage, Indian names were important because they ______.
A. described the character of a man
B. described the appearance of a man
C. were never used by other people
D. told us his profession
[简答题]已知Mn2(CO)10的νco为2044~1980 cm-1,CO2(CO)8的νco为2017~2022cm-1和1860~1858cm-1。据此画出二者的结构。
[单项选择]American Indian languages, which differ widely, tended to group many units of meaning into multisyllabic words.
A. all tend
B. and tend
C. to tend
D. tending
[单项选择]The most famous Shoshone Indian was Sacagawea—the woman who {{U}}accompanied{{/U}} Lewis and Clark on their exploration of the upper Missouri River.
A. traveled with
B. argued with
C. defended
D. avoided


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