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发布时间:2023-10-09 06:22:16

[单项选择]______the weather report,it's going to rain tomorrow.
A. As for
B. According to
C. Instead of
D. In spite of

更多"______the weather report,it's going"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—According to the weather report, the temperature tomorrow will rise up _______22 degrees centigrade. —Oh, it’s quite hot ________ December.
A. to; for
B. at; in
C. /; in
D. by; for
[单项选择]Would you please keep silent The weather report () and I want to listen.
A. is broadcast
B. is being broadcast
C. has been broadcast
D. had been broadcast
[单项选择]The weather report says that there will be a storm ______ two days.
A. until
B. before
C. in
D. by
[单项选择] Would You please keep silent The weather report__________and I want to listen.
A. is broadcast
B. is being broadcast
C. has been broadcast
D. had been broadcast
[单项选择]—The weather forecast said it's going to rain tomorrow. If it does, we won't be able to go out.— ______.The forecast might be wrong. It often is. [A] Never mind [B] Never you mind [C] Mind you [D0] Mind out
[单项选择]It's too late to go out, ______ it's going to rain.
A. otherwise
B. besides
C. however
D. therefore
[单项选择]It's going to rain. You'd better ______ an raincoat with you.
[单项选择]—Do you think it is going to rain tonight
[单项选择]"Do you think it is going to rain over the weekend ""______".
[单项选择]You()the flowers, for it is going to rain.
A. watered
B. would have watered
C. needn't have watered
D. needed to water
[单项选择]—There has been no rain for months. Will it rain soon —______. The crops are in great need of water.
[单项选择]I thought it was going to rain but it has ______ fine.
A. turned out
B. come out
C. brought out
D. put up with
[单项选择]--What's the matter --Mind ______ a meeting tomorrow.
A. your having
B. you have
C. you will have
D. you had
[单项选择]I know it may rain tomorrow, but I am going home ______.
A. in no case
B. in this case
C. in any case
D. in case
[单项选择]______I was going out, it began to rain.
A. When
B. While
C. As
D. Since


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