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发布时间:2023-10-07 14:16:41

[单项选择]In high schools the final exams are considered along with the work that the students have done during the school years.
A. 在高中,期末考试将考虑在学生的平时表现之中。
B. 在高中,期末考试被认为是学生平时表现的一种体现。
C. 在高中,期末考试是和学生的平时表现一起评价的。
D. 在高中,期末考试是考虑学生平时表现的一种形式。

更多"In high schools the final exams are"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—I will have several final exams next week.—______!
A. Congratulations
B. Cheers
C. Best wishes
D. Good luck
[单项选择]You didn' t pass the final exams. You ______ have reviewed your lessons before the exams.
A. would
B. must
C. will
D. should
[单项选择]While all the passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat, as if______to leave the plane.
A. be unwilling
B. his unwilling
C. unwilling
D. him unwilling

As a wise man once said, we are all ultimately alone. But an increasing number of Europeans are choosing to be so at an ever earlier age. This isn’t the stuff of gloomy philosophical contemplations, but a fact of Europe’s new economic landscape, embraced by sociologists, realestate developers and ad executives alike. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the "irresistible momentum of individualism" over the last century. The communications revolution, the shift from a business culture of stability to one of mobility and the mass entry of women into the workforce have greatly wreaked havoc on (扰乱) Europeans’ private lives.
Europe’s new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. The current generation of home-aloners came of age during Europe’s shift from social democracy to the sharper, more individualistic climate of American-style capitalism. Raised in
A. It has fostered the trend towards small families.
B. It is getting closer to American-style capitalism.
C. It has limited consumer choice despite a free market.
D. It is being threatened by irresistible privatization.

[单项选择]-- Excuse me, where is the post office -- Walk along this street and ______ the second turning on the right.
[单项选择]The Browns felt ______ about leaving their son alone at home.
A. keen
B. uneasy
C. dazed
D. miserable
[单项选择]Exams, grades and marks should be abolished because children' s progress should be estimated only by ______ .
A. educated persons
B. the children themselves
C. teachers
D. parents
[单项选择]The kind of exams where students must select answers are ______ .
A. personal
B. objective
C. spoken
D. written
[单项选择]Exams, grades, and marks should be abolished because children' s progress should only be assessed by______.
A. educated persons
B. the children themselves
C. teachers
D. parents
[单项选择]As soon as the exams were over, the students all went their ______ ways.
A. homely
B. perspective
C. respective
D. diverted


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