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发布时间:2023-10-26 20:19:24

[单项选择]The survey was carried out in ______.
A. Britain
B. Italy
C. Denmark
D. Europe

更多"The survey was carried out in _____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A survey was carried out on children’s attitudes to violence on television, _____ was surprising.
A. the result
B. its result
C. which results
D. the result of which
[单项选择]A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ______ were surprising.
A. as results
B. which results
C. the results of it
D. the results of which
[单项选择]Where was the experiment carried out
A. In a crowded street.
B. In a laboratory.
C. At crossroads.
D. At a police station.
[单项选择]Bob carried out immediate treatment and reassured the client that the plague would not ______ because the drainage system had been replaced.
A. incur
B. recur
C. occur
D. curb
[单项选择]The government has strictly carried out the policy of birth control, thus resulting in the ______ of the population in our city.
A. turning down
B. dropping out
C. leveling off
D. holding up
[单项选择]Research carried out in recent opinion polls shows that ______.
A. the present high unemployment figures are a fact of life
B. new jobs must be created in order to rectify high unemployment figures
C. available employment must be most widely distributed among the unemployment
D. available employment should be restricted to a small percentage of the population
[单项选择]What competition was carried out recently in Britain
A. A competition among schoolchildren.
B. A competition in industry.
C. A competition called British Designers for Tomorrow.
D. A competition among the teachers.
[单项选择]Those studies carried out in North Carolina suggest that ________.
A. trees’function for absorbing carbon dioxide is limited
B. carbon dioxide is the main cause for global warming
C. leaves falling from trees can emit more oxygen
D. more carbon dioxide is beneficial for trees’growth for many decades


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