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发布时间:2023-12-31 19:35:25

[单项选择]Every country criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are ______.
A. distorted
B. normal
C. similar to each other
D. different from its own

更多"Every country criticizes ways of li"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Every country criticizes ways of life in other countries because they are ______ .
A. distorted
B. normal
C. similar to each other
D. different from its own
[单项选择]Jessica goes to the clinic every other day to have heat _________ for her sore shoulders.
A. prescription
B. inspection
C. alleviation
D. therapy
[单项选择]Quizzes are given every other week to make sure that the students ______ keeping in pace with what is going on in the class.
A. are to be
B. will be
C. shall be
D. are
[单项选择]______ every other member of the team, John wore an official uniform in the victory parade.
A. As
B. Just as
C. Like
D. So
[单项选择]Different ways of life exist among different peoples because of______.
A. their adaptive value
B. their distinctive value
C. lack of better technology
D. mutual isolation
[单项选择]You can use several ways to communicate with others except ______.
A. using language
B. making eye contact
C. by the posture
D. using ear contact
[单项选择]In what ways human beings are different from other animals
A. Human beings are concerned with their origins.
B. Human beings can think and value.
C. Human beings can distinguish good from evil.
D. Human beings have evolved over long time.
[单项选择](As) every (other) nation, the United States (used to define) (its) unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of the gold standard.
A. As
B. other
C. used to define
D. its
[单项选择]When was man's life changed in many ways
A. When he did.
B. It is not known.
C. When he learned how to make use of fire.
D. With fire.
[单项选择]The text seems to imply that other forms of life in the cosmos ______.
A. have never existed
B. have all died out
C. may exist in the future
D. are in existence
[单项选择]What do people tend to believe other's life is when they are in a big city
[单项选择]In many ways,finance is also like some other markets,matching demand and supply.
A. 财经在很多方面也和其他市场一样,符合供求规律。
B. 资金有很多方法取决于市场,通过把握需求和供应。
C. 财经有很多方法和其他市场一样,都要比较需求和供给。
D. 在很多方面,财经也跟其他市场一样,遵循需要和供应的变化。
[单项选择]Every year a lot of life species die ______.
A. out
B. away
C. of
D. from
[单项选择]In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a().
A. development
B. difference
C. progress
D. point
[单项选择]Oliver and other children lived a hard life in the Orphan's home.
[单项选择]Exobiology is the study of life()other planets.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to
[单项选择]Life on other planets is possible ______.
A. when life-evoking conditions exist
B. only when their conditions match those of the earth
C. when the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold
D. when the atmosphere is not too dry
[单项选择]Exobiology is the study of life ________other planets.
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to


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