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发布时间:2023-10-10 01:59:13

[单项选择]Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family's budget.
A. nutrition
B. expenditure
C. routine
D. provision

更多"Whether you live to eat or eat to l"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ________ in every family's budget.
A. nutrition
B. expenditure
C. routine
D. provision
[单项选择]If you want to feel full before you eat, you can ______.
A. eat some fruit or vegetables
B. drink a large glass of water
C. eat some chocolate or hard candies
D. drink some coffee or clear soup
[单项选择]I have given you my advice, whether or not you act on it is up to you.
A. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否采纳建议,要看它对你的作用了。
B. 我已经把我的意见告诉你了,至于你是否按照做,那就看你的了。
C. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否按建议去做,是你的责任。
D. 我的建议是:你自己决定是否去做那件事。
[单项选择]I' ve given you my advice, whether or not you act on it is up to you.
A. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否采纳建议,要看它对你的作用了。
B. 我已经把我的意见告诉你了,至于你是否照这样做,那就看你的了。
C. 我已经给你我的建议,你是否按建议去做,是你的责任。
D. 我的建议是:你自己决定是否去做那件事。
[单项选择]The more fruit and vegetables you eat, ______chance of getting cancer you have.
A. little
B. less
C. the less
D. the least
[单项选择]How often do you eat out ______ , but usually once a week.
A. Have no idea
B. It depends
C. As usual
D. Generally speaking
[单项选择]Wife: Did you eat all the muffins Husband: ______.
[单项选择]______ food you've cooked!
A. How a nice
B. What a nice
C. How nice
D. What nice
[单项选择]You can not judge whether you have exercised too much or not by ______.
A. your breathing
B. your heart beating
C. your exercising time
D. whether you are exhausted
[单项选择]You seldom eat a fruit like this, ______ you
[单项选择]Little ______ whether we live or die. We will not make friends with him.
A. cares he
B. does he care
C. did he care
D. cared he
[单项选择]The interviewer can know whether you are knowledgeable for the job by ______.
A. your personal appearance
B. the way you speak
C. your serf-confidence
D. the questions you ask
[单项选择]You can't decide whether you like something ______.
A. even if you have tried it
B. although you have tried it
C. before you have tried it
D. when it has been tried several times
[单项选择]Jimmy couldn’t' t eat hard food for at least half a week as he had his wisdom tooth ______ today.
A. pulled
B. fragmented
C. extracted
D. picked
[单项选择]I do not want to eat Chinese food because "is of good quality and less expensive.
A. 我想吃中国菜并不是因为中国菜价廉物美。
B. 我想吃中国菜是因为中国菜质量好也便宜。
C. 我不想吃中国菜是因为中国菜质量不好也不便宜。
D. 我不想吃中国菜并不是因为中国菜质量不好也不便宜。
[单项选择]What tempts you to eat more is______.
A. your hungry cells
B. your hunger and appetite
C. hormone insulin
D. both your hungry cells and hormone insulin


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