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发布时间:2023-10-10 03:09:18

[单项选择]We left the meeting, there obviously ______ no point in staying.
A. were
B. being
C. to be
D. having

更多"We left the meeting, there obviousl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We left the meeting, there obviously ______ no point in staying.
A. were
B. being
C. to be
D. having
[单项选择]We left the meeting, there obviously ____________ no point in staying.
A. were
B. being
C. to be
D. having
[单项选择]We all left the meeting convinced that the project was ______.
A. fertile
B. inevitable
C. inherent
D. feasible
[单项选择]We all left the meeting-room _________ that the flat would be allotted to Master Wang.
A. convinced
B. convincing
C. to be convinced
D. having convinced
[单项选择]There______ no time left, we had to change our plan.
A. being
B. had
C. would be
D. has
[单项选择]The meeting was put off because we_______a meeting without John.
A. objected having
B. were objected to having
C. objected to have
D. objected to having
[单项选择]She suggested at the meeting that we ______ cancel the original plan.
A. should
B. could
C. would
D. must
[单项选择]Since you weren't at the meeting, we ______ the decision without you.
A. made
B. had made
C. were making
D. would make
[单项选择]But it’s ______ important meeting, we can’t miss it.
[单项选择]After the meeting, the students left the hall ______.
A. from one to the other
B. one to another
C. one by one
D. from one by one

The chairman proposed that we stop the meeting.()

A. stated
B. announced
C. demanded
D. suggested
[单项选择] We preferred to put the meeting off rather than _____ it without adequate preparation.
A. hold
B. holding
C. held
D. to hold
[单项选择]We can assume that this meeting is not likely to start on time.
A. 我们假定人们不喜欢按时召开会议。
B. 我们可以承担这次会谈不可能按时进行的责任。
C. 我们可以假定这次会谈不可能按时进行。
D. 我们也已猜想这次会谈很可能不会按时进行。
[单项选择]______is forbidden in the meeting-room, but we are allowed in the room for smokers.
A. Smoking, smoking
B. Smoking, to smoke
C. To smoke, smoking
D. To smoke, to smoke
[单项选择]Yesterday when I left, they ______a meeting.


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