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发布时间:2023-10-02 06:52:12

[单项选择]______ is regarded as the most successful religious allegory in the English language.

更多"______ is regarded as the most succ"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Dreiser is generally regarded as the most significant American writer of the school known as______.
A. Literary Naturalism
B. Stream-of-Consciousness
C. Transcendentalism
D. Romanticism
[单项选择]______ is regarded as the most meaningful intellectual movement of the Renaissance.
A. The Italian revival
B. The Reformation
C. Geographical expansion
D. Humanism
[单项选择]______is regarded as the most English of all games.
A. football
B. rugby
C. basketball
D. cricket
[单项选择]______ is regarded as the most English of all games.
A. football
B. rugby
C. basketball
D. cricket
[单项选择]Why money is regarded as a life object by most people in the united states
A. Because money is everything in America.
B. Because it is difficult to earn money in America.
C. Because they need more money for survival.
D. Because money is a symbol of status.
[单项选择]Who is regarded as one of the two most important playwrights during the Irish Dramatic Revival
A. William Butler Yeats.
B. George Moore.
C. John Millington Synge.
D. Edward Martyn.
[单项选择]The most successful treatment described in the passage was a serum prepared from ______.
A. the blood of patients who have been stung
B. poison extracted from bees
C. crushed bodies of bees
D. a placebo and a crushed-body extract
[单项选择]The article indicates that most successful small business owners are ______.
A. recent college graduates
B. experienced in the field
C. financially secure
D. new businessmen
[单项选择]According to the next, doctors are most successful when they are _________.
A. authoritative
B. logical
C. emotional
D. scientific
[单项选择]The most successful way to solve the language problem while a foreign play is being performed is translation.
A. instantaneous
B. spontaneous
C. simultaneous
D. homogeneous
[单项选择]The most successful project manager usually ______ .
[单项选择]The most successful magazines’ covers _____________.
A. are designed to catch the eyes.
B. Boys and girls deliver the morning papers.
C. Sunday papers.
D. Serious articles of more general interest
E. The Observer and the Sunday Times
F. Many local and regional newspapers.
[单项选择]Which is regarded as the backbone of England
A. Pennies
B. Tyne
C. Ben Nevis
D. Helellyn
[单项选择]The environmental costs were regarded more as temporary inconveniences than as _____ liability.
A. imaginative
B. peculiar
C. persistent
D. original
[单项选择]The ancient Jewish people regarded themselves as the {{U}}salt of the earth{{/U}}, the chosen few by God to rule the world.
A. outcast
B. elite
C. nomad
D. disciple


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