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发布时间:2023-10-29 18:40:27

[单项选择]The hotel () during the vacation was rather poorly managed.
A. as I stayed
B. where I stayed
C. which I stayed
D. what I stayed

更多"The hotel () during the vacation wa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The hotel ______ during the vacation was rather poorly managed.
A. as I stayed
B. where I stayed
C. which I stayed
D. what I stayed
[单项选择]He has only a two - week vacation during the year ______ that other workers get more time off.
A. besides
B. despite
C. in spite
D. despite the fact
[单项选择]Where would you rather ______ your winter vacation, Sanya or Xiamen
A. spend
B. spent
C. spending
D. to spend
[单项选择]During the summer vacation, Mary worked on a (an) _________ basis as a salesman, taking 8 percent of everything she sells.
A. salary
B. income
C. commission
D. pension
[单项选择]It was surprising that the hotel looked rather shabby outside was luxuriously and ______ furnished inside.
A. artificially
B. arrogantly
C. arbitrarily
D. artistically
[单项选择]I'd rather you ______ over the economy during the period of its greatest stress and danger.
A. presided
B. should preside
C. will preside
D. preside
[单项选择]I'd rather you ______ to accompany me during the Spring Festival.
A. should come
B. comes
C. came
D. come
[单项选择] An administrator analyzes a poorly performing system and suspects that the issue is related to CPU resource. Upon reviewing output of vmstat, the administrator is concerned with the values in the ‘pc’ and ‘ec’ columns. Which definition describes these two headings?()
A. 'pc' refers to the number of physical processors consumed, while 'ec' refers to the percentage of entitled capacity consumed.
B. 'pc' refers to the 'physical CPUs' and lists how many are left un-allocated, while ec' refers to the 'entitled CPUs' and lists what amount is currently allocated to the LPAR.
C. 'pc' refers to the 'processor count' and reflects how many CPUs are allocated to the LPAR, while 'ec ' refers to the 'extra capacity' and lists how much above the LPAR entitlement is being consumed.
D. 'pc' refers to 'processor cards' and reflects how many MCM modules are actually being used by this LPAR, while 'ec' refers to the 'entitled CPUs'and lists what amount is currently allocated to the LPAR.
[单项选择]Vacation schools and extracurricular activities are mentioned in Para. 2 to illustrate alternatives to formal education pro- vided ______ by public schools.
A. the importance of educational changes
B. activities that competed to attract new
C. immigrants to their programs
D. the increased impact of public schools on students
[单项选择]Where is the man going on vacation

A. Italy.
B. France.
C. Germany.
D. Japan.
[单项选择]Being poorly dressed can ______your chance of getting a job.
A. ruin
B. eliminate
C. reduce
D. endanger
[单项选择]That poorly dressed old man felt quite ______ at such a big party attended by many important figures.
A. in the way
B. out of place
C. out of the way
D. in the place
[单项选择]I did poorly in the examination, ______ how hard I had studied for it.
A. consider
B. considered
C. considering
D. being considered
[单项选择]He did poorly in his examination,______ how hard he had studied for them.
A. considering
B. to consider
C. thinking
D. regarding
[单项选择]According to the passage, any vacation from thinking should be taken ______ .
A. several times throughout the year
B. during the winter
C. during the summer
D. as seldom as possible


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