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发布时间:2023-10-05 12:29:18

[单项选择]This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should () last week.
A. fix
B. be fixed
C. have fixed
D. have been fixed

更多"This ATM has been out of service fo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ______ last week.
A. fix
B. be fixed
C. have fixed
D. have been fixed
[单项选择]{{U}}Efficient{{/U}} air service has been made available through modern technology.
A. Affluent
B. Modern
C. Inexpensive
D. Effective
[单项选择]Each Cell of Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) has fix length. How long is it
A. 50B
B. 51B
C. 52B
D. 53B
[单项选择]26 When Bob has caught a few fish, he cooks them and eats them.
[单项选择]Australia has always been a continent with few people mainly because ______.
[单项选择]The scientist has made quite a few discoveries, ______ of great importance to the whole world.
A. which I think they are
B. which I think are
C. I think which are
D. that I think they are
[单项选择]In the last few minutes the conversation has become seemingly ______ as if the discussion were of some minor domestic matte r and not survival itself.
A. crucial
B. central
C. casual
D. causal
[单项选择]Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?()
A. Because Australia is too far away from Europe.
B. Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the world.s continents.
C. Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.
D. Because most of the continent is hot and dry.
[单项选择]The government has strictly carried out the policy of birth control, thus resulting in the ______ of the population in our city.
A. turning down
B. dropping out
C. leveling off
D. holding up
[单项选择]Though the hotel has only been open for a few days, it is already ( ) booked.
A. expectantly
B. quickly
C. heavily
D. immediately
[单项选择]Though the hotel has been open for a few days, it is already ______ booked.
A. heavily
B. expectantly
C. immediately
D. quickly
[单项选择]The factory has turned out______.
A. twice TV sets this year more than last year
B. TV sets this year twice as many as last year
C. twice as many TV sets this year as last year
D. TV sets twice more this year than last year


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