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发布时间:2023-10-07 12:43:19

[单项选择]() he is still working on the project, I don't mind when he will finish it.
A. In case
B. As long as
C. Even if
D. As far as

更多"() he is still working on the proje"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ he is still working on the project, I don't mind when he will finish it.
A. In case
B. As long as
C. Even if
D. As far as
[单项选择] _______he is still working on the project, I don''t mind when he will finish it.
A. In case
B. As long as
C. Even if
D. As far as
[单项选择]______he is still young, he is going very grey.
A. As long as
B. As
C. While
D. Even
[单项选择]I don't know ______ he still lives here.
[单项选择]He is still not here, he ________.
A. may miss his plane
B. could miss his plane
C. should have missed his plane
D. may have missed his plane
[单项选择]While working on an external project your customer asks you to perform some additional tasks that are not included in the formal contract.You should ().
A. honor the customer's request as sign of cooperation to ensure future business
B. refuse the request and report the customer to your sponsor
C. acknowledge the request and advise the customer to submit a formal change request
D. convene a meeting of the project team and rewrite the scope statement
[单项选择]You are working in the project office of your organization. What is your job responsibility
A. Managing the operational activities in the compan
B. Always managing human resource and risk management issues for project
C. Central coordination of communication management across project
D. Providing subject matter expertise in the functional areas of the projec
[单项选择]Charles is working on a project and finds that one of his primary vendors is raising their costs for a key component of the product being produced by his project.In order to cover these costs,he______.
A. will ask management for a budget increase to cover the difference
B. will assume management reserve will cover the difference because this increase was out of his control
C. will use the cost change control process to obtain approval to use part of the contingency allowance
D. will go over budget and ask for forgiveness at the end of the project Charles
[单项选择]He was convicted of the murder, but he is still trying to ________the public that he's innocent.
A. overwhelm
B. refute
C. suppress
D. persuade
[单项选择]I don't think he is the criminal. He seems such a ______ person.
A. respectful
B. respective
C. respectable
D. respected
[单项选择]I don't think he is that innocent, I think he did it______.
A. tiresomely
B. intentionally
C. incidentally
D. pertinently
[单项选择]Although he has become rich, he is still very _____ of his money.
A. economic
B. thrifty
C. frugal
D. careful
[单项选择]The project team is working on an important and complex project that requires a lot of coordination.Under these circumstances,the BEST strategy is to______.
A. have a war room
B. hire a contractor
C. hold more meetings to get the word out
D. gain extra assistance from management
[单项选择](Though) he is (hard-working), he still feels inferior (than) (others) in the special class.
A. though
B. hard-working
C. than
D. others


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