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发布时间:2023-10-15 11:51:11

[单项选择]______ approach is a study of language from the points of view of its development in the course of time.
A. Synchronic
B. Chronological
C. Diachronic
D. Linear

更多"______ approach is a study of langu"的相关试题:

[填空题]The()approach to language study is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than as a system that is viewed in isolation.
[单项选择]In his book The Principles of Language Study (1921), Palmer made the point that ______were brought into play in the acquisition of spoken language whereas studial capacities were required in development of literacy.
A. learning power
B. grammatical capacities
C. spontaneous capacities
D. understanding capacities
[单项选择]In The Principles of Language Study (1921), Palmer put forward nine fundamental principles of good language teaching and learning, of which ______ was the first and most important.
A. reinforcement and response
B. habit-formation
C. form and meaning
D. meaning and situation
[单项选择]The book The Natural Approach: Language Acquisition in the Classroom was produced by______in 1983.
A. Krashen and Halliday
B. Hymes and Wilkins
C. Krashen and Terrell
D. Halliday and Hymes
[单项选择]The Cognitive Approach teachers believe language learning is ______ not simply the forming of habits.
A. a process
B. recognition
C. communication
D. presentation
[填空题]The()approach to language is to see it in terms of the bits and pieces by means of which it is put together.
[单项选择]A historical study of language is a study of ______ language.
A. synchronic
B. diachronic
C. prescriptive
D. comparative
[单项选择]A historical study of language is a ______ study of language.
A. synchronic
B. diachronic
C. prescriptive
D. comparative
[单项选择]The study of language acquisition is generally known as ______.
A. theoretical linguistics
B. psycholinguistics
C. applied linguistics
D. historical linguistics
[填空题]Sociology is the study of language in relation to(),such as social class, educational level and so on.
[填空题]Linguistics is the study of language as a system of human ().
[单项选择]From the perspective of traditional approach of syntax, noun has the categories of number, gender and ______.
A. aspect
B. case
C. tense
D. voice
[单项选择]The study of the phonic medium of language is defined as ______.
A. morphology
B. semantics
C. phonetics
D. phonology
[填空题]()is the study of second and foreign language teaching and learning.


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