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发布时间:2023-10-07 22:03:58

[单项选择]I have just have my computer repaired.How much did they ______ for it
A. pay
B. take
C. cost
D. spend

更多"I have just have my computer repair"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How much did the owner ask for the watch
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[单项选择]Man: Whoops! Did any of my coffee just spill on youWoman: Ouch! It's hot! Is that all you have to sayQuestion: What does the woman imply
[单项选择]How much did you __________ for the cakes
[单项选择]—How much did the owner of the hotel ______for the room one night —100 dollars.
A. take
B. spend
C. offer
D. charge
[单项选择]How much did you __________ for the computer
A. spend
B. cost
C. pay
[单项选择]How much vote did Rodina party get

A. 15%.
B. 3%.
C. 11%.
D. 13%.
[单项选择]My present job is ______ too much of my study time.
A. taking up
B. getting away
C. giving up
D. holding on
[单项选择]Much to my surprise, they went away without telling us their ______ address.
A. forever
B. everlasting
C. permanent
D. eternal
[单项选择]Most computer users have never received any formal keyboard training. _______, their keyboard skills are inefficient.
A. previously
B. Subsequently
C. Consequently
D. Successively
[单项选择]I did my best to ______ the situation, but the damage was already done.
A. revive
B. revolve
C. rectify
D. recede
[单项选择]Most of the computer criminals have been caught mostly because of ______.
A. chance occurrence
B. systematic inspections and security procedures
C. bad luck
D. both A and B
[单项选择]According to the text, computer chips have already been used to ______.
A. catch escaped prisoners
B. find missing children
C. follow lost animals
D. treat sick people
[单项选择]Cliff ran much faster than the thief did.
[单项选择]Clif ran much faster than the thief did.


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