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发布时间:2023-11-09 19:51:15

[单项选择]Is John coming by train He should, but he ______ not. He likes driving his car.
A. must
B. can
C. need
D. may

更多"Is John coming by train He should, "的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Is John coming by train —He should, but he ______not. He likes driving his car.
A. must
B. can
C. need
D. may
[单项选择]If he had not missed the train, he ______ here by then.
A. might get
B. got
C. might have got
D. had got
[单项选择]He ______ the train if he hadn't been stuck in traffic jam on the way to the railway station.
[单项选择]He ______ the 9:00 train because he didn't leave home until 9:10.
[单项选择]He ______ the 8:25 train because he didn't leave home till 8:30.
[单项选择]_____ he sand storm, the train for Beijing would not have been delayed for thirty-two hours.
A. In spite of
B. Because of
C. As for
D. Without
[单项选择]Woman: John says that he is confident that he can win the game.Man: He'll succeed when pigs fly.Question: What does the man mean
A. John is as clumsy as a pig.
B. John has never played a game like this.
C. John cannot win the game.
D. John has no confidence in himself.
[单项选择]When we reached the train station, the train had not arrived yet; so we ______.
[单项选择]John is a man of few words, but he made such a(n) _________ speech at the meeting yesterday that everybody was impressed.
A. magnificent
B. promising
C. eloquent
D. notable
[单项选择]He ran as fast as he could and reached the train station with ______ a few seconds to spare.
A. hardly
B. over
C. only
D. even
[单项选择]So seriously ______ in the train accident that he has lost his memory of anything.
A. he is injured
B. injures him
C. does he injured
D. is he injured
[单项选择]When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person ______.
A. to send
B. for sending it
C. to send it to
D. for sending it to
[单项选择]______ the train station, he waved again and again to me.
A. Leaved
B. To leave
C. Lea
D. When leaving
[单项选择]So seriously______in the train accident that he has lost his memory of anything.
A. he is injured
B. injures him
C. does he injured
D. is he injured
[单项选择]He suggested that he ______there by train.
A. should go
B. went
C. going
D. will go there
[单项选择]The boy wished to be a train-driver because he wanted to use his feet as well as his hands.
[单项选择]Before John Shuttleworth started his business, he ______.
A. borrowed money
B. waited for a good time to open his business
C. developed an inadequate plan
D. studied, prepared a plan, and trained himself
[单项选择]Before he became American president, John Kennedy ______.
A. kept a record of events in the Navy
B. was the owner of a newspaper
C. was three times elected to the House of Representatives
D. studied law in the university


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