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发布时间:2023-11-05 04:58:33

[单项选择]A person with good manners is popular with others because______.
A. he will do what he is asked to do
B. he knows what to do and what not to do on different occasions
C. he is always saying good words to others
D. he can make others know what good manners are

更多"A person with good manners is popul"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A person with good manners will ______ those in trouble.
A. laugh at
B. feel sorry for
C. feel it difficult to help
D. do whatever he can to help
[单项选择] Good Table Manners Manners play an important part in making a favorable impression at the dinner table. Here are some general rules: Napkin (餐巾) use The meal begins when the host unfolds his or her napkin. This is your signal to do the same, so place your napkin on your lap. Unfold it completely if it is a small napkin. Or in half, lengthwise (纵向地) ,if it is a large dinner napkin. If you need to leave the table during the meal, place your napkin on your chair as a signal to your server that you will be returning. Once the meal is over, place your napkin neatly on the table to the right of your dinner plate. Do not refold it. Use a napkin only for your mouth. Never use it for your nose, face or forehead. Use of utensils (餐具) Start with the knife, fork or spoon furthest from your plate, and work your way in, using one utensil for each course. If soup is served, remember to spoon away from yourself. This helps stop the drips. Do not put the entire soup spoon in your mouth. Instead, fill a soup spoon about 75 per cent with soup, and sip(啜饮)it from the side noiselessly. After finishing dinner, place the knife and fork parallel to one another across the plate with the knife blade facing inward toward the plate. Using your fingers Here's a list of finger foods: sandwiches, cookies, small fruits or berries with stems, French fries and potato chips, and hamburgers. Chew(咀嚼)with your mouth closed and don't make noise; don't talk with your mouth full. Bread must be broken with your hands. It is never cut with a knife. Don't pick something Out of your teeth. Instead, excuse yourself to the bathroom. If possible, try not to cough at the table. Do not put your elbows (肘) on the table. In France, it is essential to have both hands above the table at the same time. Do not put bones or anything else on the table. Things that are not eaten should be put on your plate. Which utensil is used first?()
A. The knife
B. The fork
C. The spoon
D. The one farthest from the plate
[单项选择]Refined table manners, though less popular than before in current social life, ______
A. are still a must on certain occasions
B. are bound to retum sooner or later
C. are still being taught by parents at home
D. can help improve personal relationships

Good table manners are back
Candlelight bathes the restaurant guests in a friendly light, the menu is about to be served. Some guests are prepared to eat while others are looking around with nervous glances. Which knives and forks should be used first, and where should you put the napkin(餐巾)
For a while table manners were "out". Now men and women aged 30 or so are rediscovering the finer points of being polite.
Good manners give a pleasant impression(印象). But how do you eat "properly" The golden role is to act silently. You should not talk to someone with your mouth full. When eating a five-course meal--a frequent event during the holiday season--guests needn’t feel frightened by the variety of knives and spoons before them: you work your way towards the plate from the outside.
Uncertain situations often can be mastered with common sense. For example, many unknown salad(沙拉) greens can be difficult to tel
A. Act properly while eating
B. Choose proper kinds of food
C. Eat with knives, forks, and spoons
D. Fold the napkin neatly all the time

[单项选择]It is good manners for people in East African towns ______.
A. to sit down beside others and wait for them to talk
B. to say "hello" to others on the street
C. to try to talk to others when they are working
D. never to speak to anyone on the street
[单项选择]When a person sneeze, others would say "God bless you." It comes of which of the following beliefs
[单项选择]—Is David a man with good manners —I don't think so. As a matter of fact, he is ______ but polite.
A. something
B. everything
C. nothing
D. anything
[单项选择]We have good manners to show that we ______.
[单项选择]If a person is not good at typing, he will probably prefer ______.
A. text messages
B. e-mail over v-mail
C. oral/aural messages
D. reading messages rather than listening to them
[单项选择]A guide dog for a blind person must show good ______ and be able to follow some commands.
A. sentiment
B. disposition
C. resolution
D. morality
[单项选择]A person who is good at critical thinking is______.
A. a good critical thinker
B. good at arguments
C. skilled at projects
D. unlikely to deceive people
[单项选择]Good manners may be varied() cultural backgrounds.
A. since
B. because
C. due to
[单项选择]He insisted on doing ______ good to others.
A. what he thought it was
B. what he thought was
C. what he was thought
D. what it was he thought


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