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发布时间:2023-10-10 10:15:00

[单项选择]The degree of downward slope of a beach depends on its composition of deposits as well as on the action of waves across its surface.
A. sentiment
B. sediment
C. semester
D. segment

更多"The degree of downward slope of a b"的相关试题:

[名词解释]锥坡(zhui po)conical slope
[单项选择]He was on the point of slipping down the slope when he heard someone shouting to him to ______the rope.
A. hang on
B. hang up
C. hang about
D. hang around
[名词解释] 下行性(血源性)感染的肾盂肾炎(downward infectious pyelonephritis)
[单项选择]Since their realization depends on the cooperation of others, they will take some convincing steps to come round to the agent's point of view.
A. fully understand
B. resort to
C. change opinions to fit
D. go along with
[单项选择]Project success depends on a number of interrelated factors, including time, cost, and scope control. However, the success of any project depends primarily on ______ .
A. customer acceptance
B. customer satisfaction
C. customer compromise in defining its needs
D. exceeding customer requirements through gold-plating
[单项选择]Medicine depends on other fields for basic information, {{U}}particularly{{/U}} some of their specialized branches.
A. conventionally
B. obviously
C. especially
D. inevitably
[单项选择]The way one looks, talks and moves depends
[单项选择]The development of national economy depends to a great extent on science and technology.
A. 国民经济的发展在很大程度上依赖于科技。
B. 国民经济的发展依赖广泛的科学和技术。
C. 国民经济的发展程度就是科技发展的程度。
D. 国民经济发展主要是依赖于科技的发展。
[单项选择]Whether that is a good solution depends on.
A. how you look at it
B. what you look at it
C. you look at it
D. that you look at it
[单项选择]When construction can begin depends on how soon the ________ of the route is completed.
A. conviction
B. identity
C. orientation
D. survey
[单项选择]The favorable effect of a crucible depends on whether a leader ______.
A. proves him/herself to be a newly emergent one
B. accepts it as a useful experience for progress
C. shrinks back from tiring and trying experiences
D. draws important lessons for his/her followers


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