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发布时间:2023-10-06 09:05:39

[单项选择]The problem of pollution as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. convention
B. conference
C. session
D. assembly

更多"The problem of pollution as well as"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The pollution problem as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in __________ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. session
C. conference
D. convention
[单项选择]The problem of pollution as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. convention
B. conference
C. session
D. assembly
[单项选择]The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. conference
C. convention
D. session
[单项选择]The pollution preventing project as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in()again next spring.
A. assembly
B. session
C. conference
D. convention
[单项选择]Mr. Bridges mentioned briefly several other subjects in the course of his talk but mostly kept himself to the main topic.
A. touched off
B. touched down
C. touched on
D. touched up
[单项选择]People can help solve the problem of pollution by ______.
A. urging their governments to control litter and waste
B. cutting down the use of oil and other oil products
C. reducing unnecessary buying, over-consumption and careless disposal of wastes
D. Making anti-pollution advertisements
[单项选择]Water pollution, together with old tins and other forms of garbage, ______ many problems in our large, industrial city today.
A. is causing
B. have caused
C. have been causing
D. are caused
[单项选择]He couldn't explain the problem well, as he had only a(n) ______ knowledge of the subiect.
A. elementary
B. rudimentary
C. inceptive
D. initial
[单项选择]You can use several ways to communicate with others except ______.
A. using language
B. making eye contact
C. by the posture
D. using ear contact
[单项选择]The textbook question as well as other issues is going to be discussed when the congress is in ________ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. convention
C. conference
D. session
[单项选择]In China as well as many other countries around the world,greathave been made to reduce the amount of carbon emission.
A. affects
B. efforts
C. affords
D. effects
[单项选择]In order to grow well, the Blue Sprace, like other pine trees, ______ a temperate climate.
A. require
B. requires
C. is required
D. that requires
[单项选择]Mathematics as well as other subjects ______ a science.
A. was
B. is
C. are
D. belong to
[单项选择]The instrument as well as other spare parts ______ going to be sent by air soon.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
[单项选择]They are well ______ with each other since they once studied in the same university
A. informed
B. accustomed
C. acknowledged
D. acquainted
[单项选择]They are well ______ with each other since they were little kids living in the same community..
A. identified
B. recognized
C. acknowledged
D. acquainted
[单项选择]They are well_________ with each other since they once studied in the same university.
A. recognized
B. accustomed
C. informed
D. acquainted


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