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发布时间:2023-11-05 07:07:10

[单项选择]Ms. Jacobs is one ______our best agents.
A. (A) from
B. (B) by
C. (C) of
D. (D) than

更多"Ms. Jacobs is one ______our best ag"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He is widely ______ as one of our best young scientists.
A. regarded
B. blessed
C. concerned
D. noted
[单项选择]It is one ______ best sellers in our country now.
A. of them
B. of those
C. of this
D. of their
[单项选择]We must try to ______ the best of our moral values for our children and grandchildren.
A. replace
B. remain
C. generate
D. preserve
[单项选择]Never one to __ second best, John tried his best to solve the problem.
A. admit
B. accept
C. convince
D. receive
[单项选择]Lincoln, who many regard as one of our great presidents, was often ______ despite his reputation of telling good jokes.
A. bright
B. optimistic
C. gloomy
D. cheerful
[单项选择]Which one of the following statements best explains the split horizon rule used in distance vector routing protocols?()
A. Only routers can split boundaries (horizons) between concentric networks.
B. Each AS must keep routing tables converged to prevent dead routes from being advertised across boundaries.
C. Networks can only remain fully converged if all information is sent out all active interfaces.
D. Information about a route should not be sent back in the direction from which the original update came.
E. Distance vector protocols need fall back routers that are responsible for momentary loops.
[单项选择]Which of the following is one example of our loss of morality
A. Lack of devotion.
B. Disregard for leaders.
C. Exploitation of resources.
D. Lack of cooperation.
[单项选择]Which one is the best title for the passage
A. Boiling Point of Liquids.
B. Three States of Water.
C. What Is One Atmosphere.
D. Temperature of Liquids.
[单项选择]Our goods ( ) best quality and lowest price.
A. are
B. with
C. are of
D. is of
[单项选择]One possible reason why spring is the best season for thinking is that ______.
A. all nature, including man, is growing then
B. it lasts longer than the other seasons
C. it is not too warm and not too cold
D. both B and C
[单项选择]He is one of our customers who ______ shirts starched.
A. like their
B. likes his
C. like his
D. likes their
[单项选择]Every year, one student in our high school wins a scholarship that ______ one year of college.
A. improves
B. subsidizes
C. obliges
D. inflicts


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