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发布时间:2023-10-24 06:56:22

[单项选择]Some managers wouldn't let the assistants ______ early yesterday.
A. (A) leave
B. (B) leaves
C. (C) leaving
D. (D) left

更多"Some managers wouldn't let the assi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]His parents wouldnt let him marry anyonefamily was poor.
A. of whom
B. whom
C. whose
D. of whose
[单项选择]His parents wouldn't let him marry anyone ______ family was poor.
A. of whom
B. whom
C. of whose
D. whose
[单项选择]The company decided to ______ for some assistants in the local newspaper.
A. advertise
B. advocate
C. activate
D. inherit
[单项选择]Some managers treat things as "business as usual" when
A. they can deal with the changes with great ease and skills.
B. they want to keep the company going without breaking down.
C. they begin to take changes in the company for granted.
D. they seek to pretend nothing is changing much intentionally.
[单项选择]According to the passage, some managers don't have to do any letter writing because ______.
A. they rely on quick notes
B. they have excellent secretaries
C. they have a computer to do it
D. they prefer making phone calls
[单项选择]I owe you some money. Let me pay you ______ now.
A. back
B. for
C. in
D. to
[单项选择]Since the situation is changing, let's take some ______ measures to deal with it.
A. available
B. considerable
C. changeable
D. flexible
[填空题]Please () the window to let some fresh air in. 【open】  请打开窗户通通气。
[单项选择]A: Let's meet again some time early next week and see what each of us comes up with.B: ______
[单项选择]Mum: Let's go and see Grandma some time during the break. Daughter: Great. What time Mum:______.
A. You name it.
B. Are you ready
C. During the break.
D. Take your time.
[单项选择]Look ! Some pieces of paper are on the floor. Let's ______.
[单项选择]kook! Some pieces of paper are on the floor. Let's ______
[单项选择]Two assistants will be required to check reporters' names when they arrive at the press conference.
A. 两位助手要求记者在到达新闻发布会时通报他们的姓名。
B. 两位助手到达新闻发布会时被记者要求通报他们的姓名。
C. 有两位助手检查记者的姓名并通告他们新闻发布会的时间。
D. 要有两位助手在记者到达新闻发布会时核对他们的姓名。
[单项选择]The assistants were authorized to take whatever action they ______ necessary.
A. contemplated
B. deemed
C. pondered
D. estimated
[单项选择]These new assistants are more intelligent than their ______.
A. descendants
B. predecessors
C. successors
D. ancestors
[单项选择]Look! The house's ________ fire. Let's get some help.
A. been caught
B. catching
C. caught
D. been catching
[单项选择]How do the village grocer's assistants feel about giving extra service
A. They tend to forget it.
B. They will not consider it.
C. It does not seem worth their while.
D. They take it for granted.
[单项选择]Mr. Johnson, together with his assistants, to arrive on the evening flight.
A. will be
B. are
C. are going
D. is going


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