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发布时间:2023-10-30 06:14:27

[单项选择]______ you transfer your account, sign on the dotted line.
A. (A) While
B. (B) Because
C. (C) During
D. (D) Before

更多"______ you transfer your account, s"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You should check your answers after you finish the paper.
[单项选择]You should check your answers when you finish the paper.
[单项选择]When you write about your education, you should list______.
A. the names of your teachers who gave the main courses
B. the time of different stages of education
C. the addresses and telephone numbers of schools and universities you attended
D. the name of your classmates who were closest to you
[单项选择]How can you fight your cancer if you cannot look it()the face.
A. on
B. by
C. in
D. from
[单项选择]How do you begin your letter if you write to Peter White
[单项选择]If you never review your lessons, you will only have yourself to ______ if you fail in your examination.
A. complain
B. blame
C. mistake
D. fault
[单项选择]If you become reconciled to your lot, you will never dig out your potential and will remain what you are.
A. submit
B. respond
C. correspond
D. stick
[单项选择]—How are you getting on with your cleaning Do you need my help — ______ , but I think I'm all right.
[单项选择]If you show dedication in your studies, you will succeed.()
A. 如果在学习中你有所应用,你就能成功。
B. 如果你学习刻苦勤奋,你就会成功。
C. 你如果提出申请学习,你会得到批准。
D. 如果你在学习中表现努力,你会成功。
[多项选择] You create Web sites for your company. You apply a consistent design to the pages and controls of the Web sites. You need to make style changes to all of the Web sites on the Web server. You want to achieve this goal without having to edit the individual pages on each Web site. Which two actions should you perform?()
A. Place a theme in the App_Themes directory under the application root directory.
B. Place a theme under an ASP.NETClientFiles folder under the ASP.NET installation directory.
C. Assign a theme by setting the <%@ Page Theme="..." %> directive to the name of the application theme.
D. Assign a theme by specifying the section in the Web.config file.
[单项选择]( ) your part, you must urge your customers to open the L/C without delay.
A. At
B. In
C. For
D. On
[单项选择]( )you have finished your work, you are free to do what you like.
A. For now
B. Ever since
C. Now that
D. By now
[单项选择]You look very well after your holiday; you have______weight.
A. put on
B. put up with
C. put away
D. put out
[单项选择]Once you get to know your mistakes, you should __________ them as soon as possible.
A. rectify
B. reclaim
C. refrain
D. reckon


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