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发布时间:2023-10-15 02:32:48

[单项选择]Clients are invited to write______ call for additional information.
A. (A) but
B. (B) or
C. (C) not
D. (D) either

更多"Clients are invited to write______ "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Have you invited______
[单项选择]In 1931, Joseph Stalin invited George Washington Carver to superintend cotton plantations in southern Russia and to make a tour of the Soviet Union, but he refused.
A. supervise
B. cultivate
C. upgrade
D. discern
[单项选择]Everyone was invited to the party except Jack, which caused much (suspect) ______.
[单项选择]The distinguished professor was invited to preside______the conference on behalf of the chairman.
A. on
B. in
C. over
D. for
[单项选择]Jack invited me to his birthday party but I didn’t _____ his invitation.
A. accept
B. receive
C. answer
D. reply
[单项选择]Although I had been invited to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend ______ such short notice.
A. to
B. in
C. with
D. on
[单项选择]If an American is invited to talk something about entertainment industry, be or she might not mention______.
A. Broadway
B. Oscar
C. Grammy
D. West Point
[单项选择]All the guests were invited to attend the wedding __________ and had a very good time.
A. feast
B. congratulations
C. festival
D. recreation
[单项选择]The number of people invited to the meeting ______ two hundred, but a number of them ______ absent.
A. were, was
B. was, were
C. was, was
D. were, were
[单项选择]Discharge instructions for clients receiving tricyclic antidepressants include which of the following information
[单项选择]She had invited Joseph on a sudden ______ but was now regretting it.
A. impetus
B. incentive
C. stimulation
D. impulse
[单项选择]It is ______ to be invited to speak here.
A. good manners
B. an honour
C. a pride
D. a respect
[单项选择]Who invited Eliot to poem when he was a child
A. Ezra Pound
B. Whitman
C. Franklin
D. Edward Fitzgerald
[单项选择]When invited to talk about his achievements, he refused to blow his own ______ and declined to speak at the meeting.
A. trumpet
B. whistle
C. bugle
D. flute
[单项选择]When the person invited to a live TV program refuses to answer questions the on-air talk will be
A. at risk
B. in danger
C. at peril
D. on hazard
[单项选择]Seventy guests had been invited to the party, but only fifty ______.
A. turned around
B. showed up
C. turned out
D. showed off
[单项选择]She was ______ as she had not been invited to the opening ceremony.
A. hurt
B. injured
C. harmed
D. spoiled


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