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发布时间:2023-10-10 13:57:20

[单项选择]My boss gets her messages______ by a computer.
A. (A) take
B. (B) takes
C. (C) taken
D. (D) taking

更多"My boss gets her messages______ by "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jenny only gets wool from her sheep once a year.
[单项选择]Our boss told me my plan was still ______ discussion.
A. in
B. under
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]Our boss told me my plan was still ______discussion.
A. in
B. under
C. of
D. with
[单项选择]Her boss ______ her to work day and night.
A. made
B. had
C. let
D. forced
[单项选择]Christie stared angrily at her boss and turned away, as though ___________ out of the office.
A. went
B. gone
C. to go
D. would go
[单项选择]Ann was speaking to her boss on the phone when suddenly they were ______.
A. hung back
B. cut off
C. hung up
D. cut down
[单项选择]She married her boss's son because she wanted a husband from a wealthy family. But she had to {{U}}bear{{/U}} her husband's bad temper.
A. live in
B. live on
C. live with
D. live up to
[单项选择]She lives near me and I often speak to her on my _________ to work.
A. way
B. travel
C. street
D. road
[单项选择]Alice received an invitation from her boss, ______came as a surprise.
A. it
B. that
C. which
D. he
[单项选择]My sister' s professor had her______ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee.
A. rewritten
B. to rewrite
C. rewrite
D. rewriting
[单项选择]The lady has been asking her boss ______two days off since last week.
[单项选择]Jane ______ her boss this morning, asking for a leave, but she forgot.
A. could telephone
B. might telephone
C. should have telephoned
D. must have telephoned
[单项选择]I forgot ______her that my coat buttons need to be sewn on.
A. reminding
B. having reminded
C. to remind
D. to have reminded
[单项选择]I forgot ______ her that my coat buttons need to be sewn on.
A. reminding
B. having reminded
C. to remind
D. to have reminded
[单项选择]My boss said that he was badly ______ need of my assistance.
A. at
B. in
C. for
D. with


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