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发布时间:2023-11-05 07:09:08

[单项选择]Mr. Brown did not tell us ______ or not he'll be leaving next week.
A. whether
B. if
C. either
D. weather

更多"Mr. Brown did not tell us ______ o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Whatever he did, he did very well.
A. 凡是他做的事情,都很好。
B. 凡是他做的事,他都做得很好。
C. 他能把他能做的任何事情做好。
D. 凡是他能做的事,他都好好做。
[单项选择]He is very helpful. What he did for us made the job much easy
A. done
B. doing
C. to do
D. being done
[单项选择]What did he get actually
[单项选择]--Why did he cry yesterday --He was excited, for he ______ his mother’s letter.
A. expected
B. was expecting
C. had expected
D. had been expecting
[单项选择]What he did suggested that he ______little education.
A. receive
B. received
C. should receive
D. receives
[单项选择]Why did he want to talk to her
A. We are not told.
B. He wanted to tell her how nice her flat was.
C. He wanted to introduce himself.
D. She had done something to offend him.
[单项选择]Did he tell you what ______ if he had a chance
A. was he going to do
B. he would do
C. be had done
D. had to do
[单项选择]Who did he ask to shorten his new trousers
[单项选择]—What did he just say —Nothing, he______ to himself.
A. was just talking
B. just talked
C. has just talked
D. had just talked
[单项选择]Why did he find it more difficult to write orders
A. It needed the understanding of various military terms.
B. The writing required more accuracy and conciseness.
C. The different army units used diverse languages.
D. The knowledge of army equipment was difficult to master.
[单项选择]Only after being asked three times did he come to join in the training of the college football team on Saturday, which made his teacher very angry with him.
A. 被问了三次后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,他的老师很生气。
B. 叫了三次,他才来参加学院足球队周六这天的训练,这让他的老师很生气。
C. 只有在被叫了三次以后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这让他的老师对他很生气。
D. 才叫了三次,他就来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这使他的老师很生他的气。
[单项选择]The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not ______. A) feel well B) know the time for lunch C) hear the lunch bell I)) have the money
[单项选择]He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he ______ in a colleague at work.
A. involved
B. joined
C. engrossed
D. confided
[单项选择]He gave no opinion about the matter because he didn't want to risk ______ in it.
A. to involve
B. being involved
C. to be involved
D. involving


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