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发布时间:2023-10-27 00:43:38

[单项选择]Television was not invented by any person, ______ into being overnight.
A. nor did it spring
B. nor does it spring
C. nor has it sprung
D. nor can it spring

更多"Television was not invented by any "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Television was not invented by any one person. ______ into being overnight.
A. Nor did it spring
B. Nor does it spring
C. Nor has it sprung
D. Nor can it spring
[单项选择]A person can visit a ( ) at any time or at any point in the discussion and enter the conversation by responding to a question or posting his or her own article.
B. E-mail
D. newsgroup
[单项选择]It should be noted that any person engaged in private business is not paid a fixed sum for his activity.
A. 应该说明,任何在私企上班的人是拿不到固定工资的。
B. 应该指出,任何从事个人活动的人是不可能得到固定报酬的。
C. 应当明白,任何忙于私活的人都是想得到固定报酬的人,其实这是不可能的。
D. 应当指出,谁都不会因为忙于私事而得到固定的报酬。
[单项选择]As in any business, there must be one person responsible for the_____. That person is the general manager.
A. managing direction
B. overall operation
C. marketing operation
D. hotel direction
[单项选择]An expert in any field may be defined as a person who possesses specialized skills and is capable of {{U}}rendering{{/U}} very competent services.
A. obtaining
B. mastering
C. providing
D. financing
[单项选择]He is the sort of person who can go()any group.
A. among
B. between
C. within
D. with
[单项选择]Any person who is in ______ while awaiting trial is considered innocent until he has been declared guilty.
A. jeopardy
B. custody
C. suspicion
D. probation
[单项选择]Bob is not a person ______you can borrow any money though he is rich.
A. who
B. whom
C. from whom
D. from who
[单项选择]Bob is not a person ______ you can borrow any money though he is rich.
A. who
B. whom
C. from whom
D. from who
[单项选择]A person with the blood type AB can ______ any type of blood.
A. apply
B. recognize
C. receive
D. absorb
[单项选择]Who invented animated road signs
A. Neil Hunt.
B. A driver.
C. Simon West.
D. A teacher.
[单项选择]In 1845 Sarah Mather invented a submarine telescope that could be used to {{U}}locate{{/U}} and study underwater objects.
A. illuminate
B. raise
C. find
D. examine
[单项选择]Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain
A. Football.
B. Tennis.
C. Archery.
D. Cricket.
[单项选择]One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that they could ______.
A. agree with certain signs
B. write them down
C. make themselves understand each other
D. combine them
[单项选择]Pills and lotions have been invented in Western Europe and North America ______.


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