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发布时间:2023-10-03 06:50:29


He was dismissed by his boss not because he was inexperienced but because he was not enough careful.

更多"He was dismissed by his boss not be"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He was fired by his boss last week, because he ______ his duty.
A. neglected
B. obeyed
C. insured
D. ignored
[单项选择]Because of his personality problems, he is not the right person for the position.
A. 由于他的个人原因,他不是担任这个职位的合适人选。
B. 由于他性格上的毛病,他不是担任这个职位的合适人选。
C. 由于他个人的问题,他坐到了位置的右边。
D. 由于他身体的问题,他坐到了位置的右边。
[单项选择]Sam assured his boss that he would______ all his energies in doing this new job.
A. call forth
B. call at
C. call on
D. call off
[单项选择]Bob assured his boss that he would ______all his energies in doing this new job.
A. call for
B. call off
C. call forth
D. call on
[单项选择]300 employees were dismissed because ________.
A. they were well-qualified
B. they were incompetent
C. the company had been taken over by another big company
D. work contracts from government and private organizations had been reduced
[单项选择]He was made ______his working because of his poor health.
A. to give up
B. given up
C. give up
D. giving up
[单项选择]No one is () to obey his boss unless he no longer wants to keep his position in the firm.
A. eager
B. unhappy
C. willing
D. reluctant
[单项选择]He asked the question not so much because of his curiosity as because of his desire for knowledge.
A. 他提出这个问题不是出于求知欲而是出于好奇心。
B. 与其说他是出于好奇心提出这个问题,还不如说是出于对知识的渴望提出这个问题。
C. 他提出这个问题不是出于好奇心而是出于求知欲。
D. 因为对知识的渴望和好奇心,他提出这个问题。
[单项选择]He should be dismissed for his ______ remarks about his immediate superiors.
A. faultless
B. indecent
C. laudatory
D. belligerent
[单项选择]Craig assured his boss that he would ______ all his energies in doing this new job.
A. call forth
B. call at
C. call on
D. call off
[单项选择]He found his father hard to understand because his father was too short and thin.
[单项选择]Because of his family background, he has a______ against businessmen.
A. bruise
B. buzz
C. bias
D. brace
[单项选择]He was fired because of his ______ refusal to follow orders.
A. obstinate
B. obedient
C. obsolete
D. obstructive
[单项选择]The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not ______. A) feel well B) know the time for lunch C) hear the lunch bell I)) have the money
[单项选择]He did not tell his parents because he knew they would try to change his mind but he ______ in a colleague at work.
A. involved
B. joined
C. engrossed
D. confided


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