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发布时间:2023-10-07 17:24:10

[单项选择]I'd like to buy a house-modern, comfortable, and ______in a quiet neighborhood.
A. in all
B. above all
C. after all
D. at all

更多"I'd like to buy a house-modern, com"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I'd like to buy a house--modern, comfortable, and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. in all
B. above all
C. after all
D. at all
[单项选择]—Can I help you —I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday,______at a proper price, but of great use.
A. that
B. one
C. anyone
D. everything
[单项选择]—Can I help you —I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday, ______ at a proper price, but of great use.
A. that
B. one
C. anyone
D. everything
[单项选择]--Can I help you --I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday, ______ at a proper price, but of great use.
A. that
B. one
C. anyone
D. everything
[单项选择]Speaker A: I'd like to buy a copy of Professor Franklin's book on shells.Speaker B: ______
[单项选择]"I'd like to buy a digital camera.""Well, we have several models ______."
A. to choose from
B. of choice
C. to be chosen
D. for choosing
[单项选择]"I'd like to buy an expensive camera.""Well, we have several models for you ______."
A. to be chosen from
B. of choice
C. to choose from
D. for choosing
[单项选择]I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ______ in a quiet neighborhood.
A. all in all
B. above all
C. after all
D. over all
[单项选择]I would like to rent a house, modem, comfortable and ________ in a quite position.
A. after all
B. above all
C. over all
D. first of all
[单项选择]—What would you like to drink —I'd like ______ coffee.
[单项选择]I'd almost given up hope of finding a house I liked, and then suddenly this one ______.
A. turned up
B. turned out
C. turned on
D. turned over
[单项选择]I'd like two tickets for tonight.
[单项选择]Customer: I'd like to send this gift to a friend in Italy.Clerk: ______
[单项选择]______I'd like to, I can't come.
A. Much though
B. Though much
C. Much as
D. As much


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