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发布时间:2023-10-10 08:48:05

[单项选择]In Mongolia, burping is a way to show that ______.

更多"In Mongolia, burping is a way to sh"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway stationB: ______
[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me. Could you show me the way to the nearest subway stationSpeaker B:______.
[单项选择] In this way these insects show an efficient use of their (sound-produced) ability, (organizing) two sounds (delivered) at a high rate as one (call).
A. sound-produced
B. organizing
C. delivered
D. call
[单项选择]The currency of Mongolia is()
A. tugrik
B. shilling
C. yuan
D. dollar
[单项选择]The scenery of the Way-lee-way had charmed the travelers with its mingled ______ and grandeur and filled them with admiration and astonishment.
A. amenity
B. equipment
C. convenience
D. appliance
[单项选择]Interpretation is not a good way to
A. report the news.
B. bias the news.
C. show the meaning of the news.
D. relate a new story.
[单项选择]—Shall I take this way or that way — ______ will do.
A. Either
B. It
C. Both
D. Any
[单项选择]One way to make employees being evaluated relaxed is to ______.
[单项选择]In what way is pronunciation more like handwriting than spelling according to the passage
A. They can both be learnt with complete precision.
B. They vary from individual to individual.
C. Neither of them is essential to the acquisition of the English language.
D. They can hardly be imitated.
[单项选择]In what way does lens design resemble chess
A. In the number of steps each takes towards the goal.
B. In the designs of the two activities.
C. The steps to the goals and the goal itself are known.
D. Each has a doer and a competitor.
[单项选择]How did Skip feel on his way home
[单项选择]The only safe way of distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms is to learn to ______ the individual species.
A. identify
B. classify
C. isolate
D. separate
[单项选择]In what way is history important to us
A. It leaves us a legacy to be Valued at the present and in the future.
B. We can see past influence in everything we think and do at this moment.
C. Many of our attitudes developed from the past will affect the present and the future.
D. History determines the future course of a country.
[单项选择]The unusually surprising way that he scored goals ______.
A. helped him to gain many prizes for Essex
B. kept him playing for Leeds United
C. offered him the chance to join the national team
D. made him popular in many British homes
[单项选择]The trade credit by way of Forfaiting is provided ______.


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