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发布时间:2023-10-19 19:45:52

[单项选择]The bombing happened ______.
A. on Saturday when there were many people in the park
B. outside a shopping center on Saturday
C. in a car factory
D. in a big square where there were many people

更多"The bombing happened ______."的相关试题:

[单项选择]Lacking further hard evidence of the bombing itself, the police could hardly tell who might be responsible.
A. 由于警方难以确定此爆炸事件的负责人,所以进一步的取证工作很难进行。
B. 因为对爆炸事件的进一步取证工作很难进行,警方难以确定谁来作负责人。
C. 由于对爆炸事件本身缺少进一步的确凿证据,警方无法确定谁有可能是主谋。
D. 因为对爆炸事件的进一步取证工作很难进行,警方无法确定谁有可能是主谋。
[单项选择]Three weeks after the suicide bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ______.
A. on the verge
B. on the sly
C. on the spot
D. on the loose
[单项选择]Three weeks after the suicidal bombing, the police were still hunting for bombers for they believe more were ______.
A. on the verge
B. on the sly
C. on the spot
D. on the loose
[单项选择]The bombing ______.
[单项选择]Which probably happened first
[单项选择]What happened to Earhart
A. She was successful in her world flight.
B. Her airplane was blown away by the strong winds over the equator.
C. She lost her way after failing in.communicating with the Naval station around the equator.
D. D) Her airplane disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean.
[单项选择]What happened in 1920
A. Radio was first used.
B. The first president was elected.
C. The first car came into being.
D. The first airplane was made.
[单项选择]The chief plotter of the Tel Aviv bombing may be ______.
[单项选择]She narrowly escaped ______ in the bombing.
A. to be killed
B. killed
C. being killed
D. to have been killed
[单项选择]After the bombing of Gnemica, the Germans ______.
A. managed to launch the Spanish Civil War
B. frightened the whole world into silence
C. went on to wipe out Dresden and Hiroshima
D. did not admit their crime
[单项选择]After the bombing, there was a lot of ______ everywhere.
A. debris
B. junk
C. rubbish
D. trash
[单项选择]The story happened in America.
[单项选择]What happened when he was interviewed
[单项选择]The story happened in England.
[单项选择]What happened during the past four weeks

[单项选择]Something unexpected has happened which prevents me from my promise.
A. 一些不希望的事情的发生使我不能承兑我的誓言。
B. 一些让我不能遵守诺言的事不希望地发生了。
C. 一些出乎意料的事情的发生使我不能遵守诺言。
D. 阻止我免于遵守诺言,一些不希望发生的事情还是发生了。
[单项选择]It was not until the accident happened
A. that I realized my carelessness
B. when I realized my carelessness
C. as I realized my carelessness
D. when my carelessness has been realized
[单项选择]What had happened in the year 1492
A. The discovery of America.
B. Cocoa beans were exported to Europe.
C. Columbus returned in triumph from the Old World.
D. People began to see the commercial possibilities of cocoa beans.


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