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发布时间:2023-12-14 02:41:03

[单项选择]A group of people who share the same interests and way of life is called a society. Sociology is the science that examines human society. The term sociology is derived from the Lation word socius, which means "companion, union of people."
Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew. They also study the levels within a society. For example, the child is part of the family, the family is part of the neighborhood, and the neighborhood is part of the community. There are many different groups, and sociologists are interested in the effect that these groups have on people.
A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s. He suggested that a new science was necessary to study a society of people. A famous book, Principles of Sociology, was published by and Englishman, Herbert pencer, in 1882. This book had an unprecedented effect on the science of sociology. In this book, Spencer theorized that a society’s customs evolved, or gr
A. Sociology
B. People’s interests
C. Society in Different Nations
D. Sociologist

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[单项选择]A group of people who share the same interests and way of life is called a society. Sociology is the science that examines human society. The term sociology is derived from the Lation word socius, which means "companion, union of people."
Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew. They also study the levels within a society. For example, the child is part of the family, the family is part of the neighborhood, and the neighborhood is part of the community. There are many different groups, and sociologists are interested in the effect that these groups have on people.
A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the 1830s. He suggested that a new science was necessary to study a society of people. A famous book, Principles of Sociology, was published by and Englishman, Herbert pencer, in 1882. This book had an unprecedented effect on the science of sociology. In this book, Spencer theorized that a society’s customs evolved, or gr
A. standard
B. groups, classes
C. beginning, start
D. music, art
[填空题]Twins, those who share the same placenta, are more likely to have social and learning problems, as well as ______.
[单项选择]When a group of children who have been watching television programs that include acts of violence is sent to play with a group of children who have been watching programs that do not include acts of violence, the children who have been watching violent programs commit a much greater number of violent acts in their play than do the children who have been watching nonviolent programs. Therefore, children at play can be prevented from committing violent acts by not being allowed to watch violence on television.
The argument in the passage assumes which one of the following
A. Television has a harmful effect on society.
B. Parents are responsible for the acts of their children.
C. Violent actions and passive observation of violent actions are not related.
D. There are no other differences between the two groups of children that might account for the difference in violent behavior.
E. (E) Children who are treated violently will respond with violence.
[多项选择] College students have to share the same dormitory with several other boys or girls. Write a comment of about 400 words on the advantage of rooming together.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you hove written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

[填空题]England, Wales and Scotland share the same set of laws applying divorce issues.
[简答题]独立作文: Nowadays each group member get same grade(mark), Is it a good method to evaluate students To give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together. what do you think of the way of evaluation. 许多学校建立了study group,学生在一个group做同一个project的时候是不是应该给一样的分数,让学生一起学习,但是他们的作业都是一样的,同不同意给这些学生一样的grade,你支持还是反对
[单项选择]"Eat, eats, ate, eaten, eating" share the same basic meaning and grammatically they are the inflectional variants in the paradigm of the verb EAT. Word used in this sense is known in linguistics as
A. word.
B. word form.
C. lexeme.
D. morpheme.


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