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发布时间:2023-10-27 19:19:42



Downtown Artisan’s Club Art Exhibit

Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown Artisan’s CLub Art Exhibit!
There will be beautiful works of art and pottery, crafted by the Downtown Artisan’s Club, available for showing as well as for sale. The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the Downtown Artisan’s Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists.
Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10 (adults) and $5 (students and seniors). Children under the age of 12 will be admitted for free.
The Downtown Artisan’s Club looks forward to seeing you there
A. Artists
B. Residents
C. Jim
D. Judges

更多"  Downtown Artisan’s"的相关试题:



Downtown Artisan’s Club Art Exhibit

Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown Artisan’s CLub Art Exhibit!
There will be beautiful works of art and pottery, crafted by the Downtown Artisan’s Club, available for showing as well as for sale. The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the Downtown Artisan’s Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists.
Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10 (adults) and $5 (students and seniors). Children under the age of 12 will be admitted for free.
The Downtown Artisan’s Club looks forward to seeing you there
A. $5.00
B. $10.00
C. $15.00
D. $20.00

[单项选择]                                                                               (四)
A. 部分业主推荐
B. 业主委员会票决
C. 招投标
D. 居民委员会指定

     When it comes to eating smart for your heart, thinking about short-term fixes and simplify your life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.
      Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift(1)your mouth. "In the past we used to believe that(2)amounts of individual nutrients (营养物) were the (3)to good health," says Linda Van Horn, chair of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee. "But now we
have a(4)understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to(5)not only heart disease but disease(6)general," she adds.
       Scientists now(7)on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten(8)several days or a week(9)than on the number of milligrams (毫克) of this or that(10)at each meal.
       Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for example,

[单项选择]"Art for Art’s sake" was advocated by( ).
A. William Blake.
B. Robert Burns.
C. Oscar Wilde.
D. Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Rockwatch — The Best Club on Earth


If you are a young person and interested in geology (地质学), then Rockwatch is the club for you !
When You Join
New memberships receive a Rockwatch Rox file each. This has the information and top tips you will need to start enjoying geology. it’s designed to serve as your own field notebook as well.
In it you will find your
● membership card
● full color mini-map
● thumbs up guide
● fact cards
Rockwatch Magazine
Our lively magazine is mailed to members three times a year. They can read reports and news from around the world, and articles on everything from diamonds to dinosaurs (恐龙),earthquakes to erosion (水土流失).
Rockwatch Events
With each magazine you will receive a Rockwatch events calendar. Rocky activities suitable for families are
A. Guided walks.
B. Rocky activities.
C. Yearly competitions.
D. Academic workshops.




案例:                       班主任“靠”学生能靠多久


         Demographic indicators show that Americans in the postwar
period were more eager than ever to establish families. They quickly
brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought
the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred (1)
years of a steady decline, producing the “baby boom.”These young (2)
adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large
families that Went for more than two decades and caused a major (3)
but temporary reversal of long-term demographic patterns. From
the 1940S through the early 1960s, Americans married at a high rate (4)
and at a younger age than their Europe counterparts.(5)
  Less noted but equally more significant, the men and women on who(6)
formed families between 1940 and 1960 nevertheless reduced the(7)
divorce rate after a postwar peak; t


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