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发布时间:2023-10-10 23:14:27

[单项选择]Consider the following borrowing rates for Company Z and Company W Firm German mark rate French franc rate Company Z 5.25% 6.5% Company W 4.75% 7% Given the borrowing rates above, Companies Z and W wish to enter into a plain vanilla currency swap. Which company should borrow French francs as a part of the swap( )
A. Company Z because it can borrow francs at a lower interest rate. 
B. Company Z because it can borrow marks at a lower interest rate. 
C. Company W because it can borrow francs at a lower interest rate.

更多"Consider the following borrowing ra"的相关试题:

[填空题]next month to consider adjusting interest rates. It was based on with information

[单项选择]Which of the following about a company using the percentage of completion accounting method for long-term contracts, compared to company that uses the completed contract method is FALSE()
A. Actual cash flow will be greater in the first year.
B. Equity will be higher in the first year.
C. Earnings will be the same over the life of the contract.
[单项选择]Consider the following descriptions of approaches used in valuing real estate: Approach 1: In this approach, the present value of after-tax cash flows are calculated based on the investor’s required rate of return before the equity portion of the investment is deducted. Approach 2: In this approach, the value of land is estimated and is added to the price that would have to be paid if a property had to be replaced. Approach 3: In this approach, an appraisal price is estimated as the discounted net operating income based on the market required rate of return. Approach 4: This approach relies on examining recent transaction prices from a group of similar properties and depends on a reasonably liquid market. List in order, from Approach 1 to Approach 4, the real estate valuation methods that correspond to each of the four valuation approaches listed above.()
A. The discounted after-tax cash flow model, the cost method, the income method, and the sales comparison method.
B. The income method, the cost method, the sales comparison method, and the discounted after-tax cash flow model.
C. The income method, the discounted after-tax cash flow model, the sales comparison method, and the cost method.
[单项选择]Consider the following two statements about putable bonds: Statement 1: As yields rise, the price of putable bonds will fall less quickly than similar option-free bonds (beyond a critical point) due to the increase in value of the embedded put option. Statement 2: As yields fall, the price of putable bonds will rise more quickly than similar option-free bonds (beyond a critical point) due to the increase in value of the embedded put option. Are these statements correct or incorrect()
A. Statement 1 is correct and Statement 2 is incorrect. 
B. Both statements are incorrect. 
C. Statement 1 is incorrect and Statement 2 is correct.
[单项选择]Consider the following statements: Statement 1: "The sum of consumer and producer surpluses is maximized under both monopoly and perfect competition. " Statement 2: "All else being equal, a monopolist that practices price discrimination will be more allocatively efficient than a single-price monopolist. " Which of the following best describes the accuracy of these statements Statement 1 Statement 2 ()①A. Incorrect Correct ②B. Correct Correct ③C. Correct Incorrect
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
[单项选择]Consider the following two final consumer goods: Good W requires the inputs of raw material R and intermediate goods S and T. Good X requires the inputs of raw material R and intermediate goods U and V. If demand for Good W increases and demand for Good X decreases, which of the following out comes is least likely()
A. Some of raw material R will be diverted away from the producers of Good X.
B. The price of Good U will decrease and the price of Good S will increase.
C. More resources will be devoted to producing Good W and less to producing Good T.
[单项选择]Which of the following does Mr. Phelps consider the LEAST when applying for the vacancy
A. The reputation of the bank.
B. Good training opportunities.
C. Room for long-term career growth.
D. Immediate wages and bonuses.
[单项选择]Consider the following information: On May 1 Party A trades on the futures exchange to buy one oats contract of 10000 bushels for delivery in September. Party B has complimentary requirements. The price is $2 per bushel. Assume that the contract closes on May 2 at 190 cents per bushel. Assume the initial margin was $3000 and the maintenance margin $2500. Assume further that on May 3, the price has dropped to $1.80 per bushel. The price at which a maintenance margin call will be received is equal to:
[单项选择]Consider the following tour options on the same underlying instrument: Option 1 : September call, exercise price = $55. Option 2 : September call, exercise price = $60. Option 3 : December put, exercise price = $75. Option 4 : December put, exercise price = $80. What is most likely the relationship among the values of these options September calls December puts ①A. Option 1 > Option 2 Option 3 > Option 4 ②B. Option 1 > Option 2 Option 4 > Option 3 ③C. Option 2 > Option 1 Option 4 > Option 3
[简答题]Consider the following data: Nominal GDP for 1994 was $6550 billion, as compared to $6250 billion for 1993. The GDP deflator for 1994 was 102.5, as compared to 100.0 for 1993. (a)Calculate the rates of growth of nominal GDP and real GDP for 1994. (b)What was the inflation rate (as measured by the GDP deflator) for 1994
[简答题]Consider the following statements, made by the same man eight years apart. "Eventually, being ’poor’ won’t be as much a matter of living in a poor country as it will be a matter of having poor skills." That was Bill Gates talking in 1992. Way back then, the Microsoft chairman’s image was that of a rather harsh, libertarian-leaning fellow who proudly declared his products alone would "change the world." When asked what he would do with his billions, the boy wonder of Silicon Valley used to shrug off the question, saying his long workdays didn’t leave time for charity. But now listen to the same Gates-or perhaps not quite the same Gages-talking in the fall of 2000: Whenever the computer industry has a panel about the digital divide and I’m on the panel, I always think, "OK, you want to send computers to Africa, what about food and electricity-those computers aren’t going to be that valuable"... The mothers are going to walk right up to that computer and say: "My children are dying


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