Asked what he would do to improve a government, the
ancient Chinese sage Confucius answered that his first measure would be "to
correct language". He meant that if words don’t mean what they seem to mean
people cannot put any plan into action as intended. The state of language at the
dawn of the twenty-first century appears to be more confused than ever—thanks in
large part to the enormous influence of television, radio, and print media over
what we buy, desire, and believe. Benjamin Radford, managing editor of The Skeptical Inquirer magazine, offers hundreds of examples of deceptive practices in journalism, advertising, political activism, public relations, and charity appeals. The real danger to the public, he insists, comes not from outright lies about events or individuals, because in most cases facts can ultimat A. Sth. worthwhile. B. Sth. worthless. C. Sth. of no practical value. D. Sth. which is unnecessary. [多选题] 人为因素故障单程票无法出站时如何处理?() "
A.制作付费出站票 B.该票投入废票箱 C.制作免费出站票 D.边门通行" [判断题]技术站的阶段计划由车站调度员编制,站长(副站长)审批。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]业主方项目进度控制的任务是控制()的进度。
A. 项目全寿命周期 B. 整个项目实施阶段 C. 项目施工阶段 D. 整个项目决策阶段 [单选题]-B-001 5 2 3
棱角锐利物件未采取( )措施不吊。 A.衬垫 B.包扎 C.捆绑 D.扎牢 [T/] [多项选择]影响消费者购买行为的社会因素主要包括()。
A. 职业 B. 相关群体 C. 家庭 D. 角色与地位 E. 文化 [单选题]洁净厂房的火灾特点是( ),人员逃生困难,烟雾毒性大。
A. 烟气热量积聚、蔓延途径多 B. 易产生爆炸 C. 火焰温度高 D. 建筑易倒塌 [单选题]颞下颌关节可复性盘前移位的主要治疗方法是 ( )
A. 药物 B. 理疗 C. 牙合垫 D. 手术 E. 针灸 [单选题]《物业管理条例》规定,实行物业承接查验制度,可以督促建设单位根据( ),重视物业共用部位.共用设施设备的建设,对提高建设质量,保障业主财产权益具有重要意义。
A.物业服务合同 B.前期物业服务合同 C.规划设计标准和售房约 D.规划设计原则 [单选题]下列哪项属于人本主义心理学家提出的促进意义学习的基本条件( )
A.强调以教师为中心 B.强调以学生为中心 C.强调以家长为中心 D.强调师生互动 [单选题]对建筑消防设施每年至少进行(C)全面检测,确保完好有效,检测记录应当完整准确,存档备查。
A.三次 B.二次 C.一次 [单选题]1946 年 12 月,延安行知中学成立 。这是全国第一个学校团组织。()
A..毛泽东青年团总支 B..民主青年团总支 C..新民主主义青年团总支 D..共产主义青年团总支 [多选题]用户响应的方式分为()。
A.A、削峰需求响应; B.紧急型需求响应; C.经济型需求响应; D.填谷需求响应 [单选题]Scotland provides superb opportunities to enjoy wild and grand scenery which is even more impressive than the postcards suggest.It also offers towns and cities with a rich cultural life,a good mix of accommodation and places to eat and drink.Friendly and welcoming,it is an interesting and colorful all-season destination,where landscapes and the environment,sport and leisure pursuits,heritage and history,culture and cuisine are all part of a rewarding experience.
The best reason for choosing to go on holiday to Scotland is:one of the last places inside the crowded and frenetic European Union where it is possible to be alone isolated countryside.This is not to say that Scotland,like everywhere else,does not have its tourist traps,its crowded roads or its popular beauty spots.But it is relatively easy to escape from them.
It would be a mistake to think that Scotland is merely an extension of England.
Indeed,no attitude is capable of causing greater offence to the Scots.They successfully resisted English attempts at domination for seven hundred years,and many differences between the two countries persist.
Scotland's history,embodied in its castles,battlefields,and ancient links with France,Flanders and Scandinavia,is special.
A.was dominated by England for seven hundred years B.dominated England for seven hundred years C.kept out English invaders for seven hundred years D.became part of England for seven hundred years [简答题]华丰有限责任公司(以下简称华丰公司)所得税采用递延法核算,适用的所得税税率为33%。20×1 年度实现利润总额为2 000万元,其中:
(l)采用权益法核算确认的投资收益为300万元 (被投资单位适用的所得税税率为33 % 。被投资单位实现的净利润未分配给投资者)。
[单选题]列检试风时用压力表指针指示的压强是( )。
A.压缩空气的绝对压强 B.压缩空气的绝对压强加上大气压 C.压缩空气的绝对压强减去大气压 D.压缩空气的绝对压强与大气压的比值 [单项选择]
第一节 短文理解1 根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选A(True);认为错误的,选B(False)。
A.制订公司基建安全管理制度、技术标准 B.确定公司基建安全管理目标 C.参与基建安全事件的调查处理工作 D.监督、检查工程项目安全文明施工费的使用 [简答题]《执业医师法》及其配套法规.规章的颁布有何重要意义?
[单项选择]建设工程项目目标分解所达到的深度应当以( )为原则,并非越深越好。
A. 目标控制的实际需要和可能 B. 能够取得可靠的数据 C. 目标分解结构与组织分解结构相适应 D. 目标分解的明确依据 [单选题]发动机二级维护在柴油机累计工作( )后,载货汽车行驶约为( )后进行。
A. 200h 10000km B. 200h 15000km C. 100h 5000km D. 100h 10000km [判断题]低压空气断路器在跳闸时,是主触头先断开消弧触头后断开。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交