It is difficult to imagine what life would be like
without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the bases
(56) the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits
and skills are to be (57) in our past experiences ,which are
brought into the present (58) memory. Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep (59) available for later use. It includes not only "remembering" thing like arithmetic or historical facts, but also any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is (60) when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile. Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat. Memory (6 A. called B. taken C. involved D. included [简答题]什么叫断层?
A. 食欲不振 B. 精神异常 C. 脘腹胀满 D. 腹部疼痛 E. 形体消瘦 [名词解释]标准立方体抗压强度
A.高热 B.惊厥 C.呼吸衰竭 D.谁妄 E.颅内高压 [单项选择]The importance and influence of the Bible among Christians and Jews may be explained broadly in both external and internal (31) . The external explanation is the (32) of tradition, custom and creed: Religious groups confess that they are (33) by the Bible. In one (34) the religious cormnunity is the author of Scripture, (35) it, cherished it, used it, and eventually canonized it (that is, developed lists of officially (36) biblical books). The internal explanation, (37) , is what many Christians and Jews continue to experience as the power of the contents of the biblical books themselves. Ancient Israel and the early church knew of many more religious books (38) the ones that constitute the Bible. The biblical books, however, were cherished and used because of what (39) said and how they said it; they were officially canonized because they had come to be used and (40) so widely. The Bible truly is the foundation
A. idea B. belief C. document D. establishment [单选题]安全工器具的()可由使用单位根据试验标准和周期进行,也可委托有资质的机构试验。
A.外观检查和电气试验 B.耐压试验和机械试验 C.电气试验和机械试验 D.外观检查和机械试验 [判断题]对刑事案件的被害人不可适用传唤措施
对 错 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某项目在施工过程中发生火灾,邻近的甲单位主动组织人员灭火,这一行为减少了施工单位的损失8万元,甲单位因此损失1万元。则( )。
A. 甲单位只能自行承担这一损失 B. 甲单位可以要求施工单位支付4万元 C. 甲单位有权要求施工单位支付1万元 D. 甲单位应当要求施工单位支付5万元 [单选题]每次煤气管道检查工作完毕,应做什么工作?( )
A.做其它工作 B.记录好检查情况 C.休息 D.汇报检查情况 [单选题]下列关于OTDR的功能说法正确的是:( )
A.可以测量光缆长度、损耗及绝缘电阻 B.可以测量光缆长度、损耗及误码率 C.可以测量光缆长度、损耗及接续 D.可以测量光缆长度、损耗及故障点 [单项选择]从3月下旬到10月上旬,太阳在地球上直射位置的移动规律是( )。
A. 赤道→南回归线→赤道 B. 赤道→北回归线→赤道 C. 南回归线→赤道→北回归线 D. 北回归线→赤道→南回归线 [单选题]使人们的认识实现从现象到本质,从感性到理性飞跃的认知过程是
A.知觉 B.注意 C.记忆 D.思维 [单项选择]Which command synchronizes or rebuilds the logical volume control block,the device configuration database,and the volume group descriptor areas on the physical volumes?()
A. syncvg rootvg B. synclvm rootvg C. varyonvg rootvg D. synclvodm rootvg [单选题]闭式胸膜腔引流的护理,错误的是( )
A. 严格无菌操作 B..保持管道密封 C..妥善固定 D..搬运病人时水封瓶应高于胸腔引流口 E..观察记录引流液的量和性状 [单项选择]
国外研究者对AMLudwig(1966)提出的非常意识状态或意识状态改变的10条特征归纳为以下哪几类心理现象?() A. ②④⑤ B. ①②④ C. ②③④ D. ①③⑤ E. ③④⑤ [单选题]( )负责组织指导全区农村合作金融机构开展贷款风险分类工作,组织开展不良贷款管理、统计、清收及损失类贷款的核销工作,组织开展抵债资产接收及有关处置工作。
A.信贷管理部 B.公司机构金融部 C.个人金融部 D.风险管理部 [填空题]
A.应当根据病情采取必要的治疗和控制传播措施 B.只对病人隔离治疗 C.只对病原携带者隔离治疗 D.对病人、病原携带者进行普通治疗 E.医疗机构发现乙类或者丙类传染病病人时,应采取 [单选题]每年元月份要结合上年度机破、临修、碎修及超范围修等资料,运用( )方法进行一次综合分析。
A.TQC B.ISO—9000 C.惯性发生率 D.数理统计 [单选题]混合并购是指一个企业对那些与自己生产的产品不同性质和种类的企业进行并购的行为,其中目标公司与并购企业既不是同一行业,又没有纵向关系。
根据上述定义,下列属于混合并购的是( )。
A.某碳酸饮料公司收购了一家灌装公司和一家饼干公司 B.某网站收购了一家户外传媒公司和一家网络游戏公司 C.某出版集团收购了一家印刷厂和一家文学网站 D.某电脑集团收购了一家酒厂和一家葡萄庄园 [单选题]线路起道顺坡长度,作业时不应少于起道高度的( )。
A.100倍 B.200倍 C.300倍 D.400倍 [单选题]钢轨闪光焊的钢轨接头中()部位因几何尺寸较小,闪光保护差,易出现过烧缺陷。
A.轨底脚 B.轨顶端 C.轨腰 D.轨顶中心 [单项选择]14岁初二年级女生,患Graves病,首选的治疗方案是()。
A. 抗甲状腺药物治疗 B. 碘剂治疗 C. 抗甲状腺药物加碘剂 D. 手术治疗 E. 131I治疗 [单项选择]要退出Word字处理软件,做法不正确的是()。
A. 选择“文件”菜单的“退出”命令 B. 选择“文件”菜单的“关闭”命令 C. 选择控制菜单的“关闭”命令 D. 单击窗口右上角的关闭按钮 我来回答: 提交