A mother dolphin (海豚) chats with her
baby over the telephone! They were in separate tanks connected by a special
underwater audio link. "It seemed clear that they knew who they were talking
with," says Don White, whose Project Delphis ran the experiment. But what were
they saying Scientists think dolphins "talk" about everything from basic facts like their age to their emotional state. "I speculate that they say things like ’there are some good fish over here,’ or ’watch out for that shark because he’s hunting,’" says Denis Herzing, who studies dolphins in the Bahamas. Deciphering (译解) "dolphin speak" is also tricky because their language is so dependent on what they’re doing, whether they’re playing, fighting, or going after tasty fish. During fights, for example, dolphins clap (碰撞) their jaws to say "Back off!" But their jaws clap while playing, to A. Go back to your home! B. I am the king here! C. Who is playing here D. Show me who the king is! [单项选择]
Far to the west, said the legend, was a magic land of sunshine, (1) fruit grew in all seasons. Curious mountain dwellers who journeyed to the small Spanish village found the legend (2) . But they reported that the settlement did not look (3) it ever would grow as large as its name--EI Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciucula. Today those (4) would not recognize the once sleepy Spanish settlement. The name has been shortened to Los Angeles. But the (5) itself has grown to enormous size. More than seven million people live in and around the city, (6) by the climate that beckoned those first visitors. [简答题]简述“六必须”的具体内容。
[单选题] UPS负载设备的启动应遵循如下顺序进行( )。
A.因设备而异 B.无顺序要求 C.由大到小 D.由小到大 [判断题]甲(17周岁)盗窃乙一部“苹果”手机(价值5000元),被乙发现紧紧拉住。甲为摆脱乙,及时逃离现场,对乙当场使用暴力,猛击乙的头部,致乙死亡。应以故意杀人罪对甲定罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用钳形电流表时,应注意钳形电流表的量程。测量时戴绝缘手套,站在绝缘垫上,不得触及其它设备,以防短路或接地。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一女性患儿,孕33周顺产且已出生5天,自出生后第3天开始出现哭声弱,吸吮无力,双下肢硬肿,精神差,皮肤黄染,体温32℃。重要的护理措施是()
A. 预防感染 B. 保暖、复温 C. 供给足够的营养 D. 供给充足水分 E. 供氧 [单选题] 标准麻花钻的后角是:在( )内后刀面与切削平面之间的夹角。 [1分]
A. 主截面 B.副后刀面 C. 基面 D. 柱截面 [简答题]
传统的中国画,不模仿自然,是以表现心灵抒发情性为主体的意象主义艺术。画中意象与书法中的文字一样,是一种适于抒写的极度概括抽象的象征符号,伴随着意象符号的是传统的程式表现技巧。古代的大师们创造着独自心中的意象及其程式,风格迥异,生机勃勃。后来,多数人惯于对古人程式的模仿,所作之画千人一面。这样的画作一泛滥,雅的不再雅,俗的则更俗。近代中国画仍然在庸俗没落的模式漩涡中进退两难。阿文与当今的有识同行一样,有志标新立异,寻找自我,建立起现代的属于自己的新意象、新格局,且一直背靠着这高雅的传统。 画中意象与书法中的文字一样,是一种适于抒写的极度概括抽象的象征符号,伴随着意象符号的是传统的程式表现技巧。[单选题]温度是对生物生长最具影响的环境因素,不仅控制着生物的【】分布范围,还决定了海洋生物和陆生生物垂直方向上的分布范围。
A.经度 B.纬度 [单项选择]
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}} The Guildford Four, freed last week after spending 15 years in prison for crimes they did not commit, would almost certainly have been executed for the pub bombing they were convicted of had the death penalty been in force at the time of their trial. There may now be a decent interval before the pro-hanging lobby, which has the support of the Prime Minister, makes another attempt to reintroduce the noose. Reflections along these lines were about the only kind of consolation to be derived from this gross miscarriage of justice which is now to be the subject of a judicial inquiry. In the meantime, defence lawyers are demanding compensation and have in mind about half a million pounds for each of their clients. The first three to be released -- Mr. Gerald Conlon, Mr. Paddy Armstrong and Ms. Carole Richardson -- left prison with the 34 pounds which is given to all departing inmates. The fourth, Mr. Paul Hil A. demand 500,000 pounds for the Guildford Four B. demand 500,000 pounds for each of the Guildford Four C. demand 50,000 pounds for each of the Guildford Four D. demand a re-examination of the Birmingham pub bombings 我来回答: 提交