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发布时间:2024-05-09 06:31:07

[单项选择]Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic paintings of plantation life.
A. profits
B. storage
C. attention
D. invitations

更多"Henry Tanner received widespread re"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Who is Henry Shelton

A. The Defense Minister.
B. The Secretary of State,
C. Chairman of the Congress.
D. Chairman of the Joint chiefs of staff.
[单项选择]Henry is so arrogant after being promoted president of the company ______ accept the invitation to his former coworker's wedding.

A. in order to
B. as to
C. as to not
D. as not to
[单项选择]Henry will not be able to attend the meeting tonight because ()
A. he must to teach a class
B. he will be teaching a class
C. he will teach a class
D. he will have teaching a class

Passage Four
Henry was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know how to find his seat, so he went to the airhostess (空姐) and asked ,"Could you help me I can’t find my scat. "The air hostess showed him the seat and told him to sit down and fasten the seat (系好安全带). She told Henry not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Henry’s ears might feel a little strange, but he didn’t need to worry about it because many people felt like that. When the plane was flying very high, Henry could stand up and walk round. He could either read books, newspapers or see films. The airhostess would bring food and drinks. Henry, could enjoy the flight and arrive home soon.

When the plane was going up, the air hostess told Henry not to worry about ()
A. the plane
B. the strange feeling
C. his seat
D. his health
[单项选择]According to Henry Moore, why is sculpture more difficult to appreciate than other forms of art

A. It is often displayed outdoors.
B. It does not always represent an object.
C. It is three-dimensional.
D. It is done by relatively few artists.
[单项选择]What did Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein have in common when they were studying at schools

A. They were top students.
B. They went to best public schools.
C. They were not very good students.
D. Their teachers thought they would be very successful.
A. 甲状腺功能亢进症
B. 先天性肾上腺皮质增生症
C. Klinefelter综合征
D. 环境因素
E. 5α-还原酶缺陷症
F. 雄激素不敏感综合征
G. 青春期发育
H. 低促性腺激素性腺功能减退症
[单项选择]Which of the following is Henry Fielding's first novel

A. Joseph Andrews.
B. Jonathan Wild.
C. The History of Tom Jones a Foundling.
D. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon.
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[单项选择]His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazine he ______.
A. had long been expected
B. had long expected
C. has long expected
D. was long expected
[单项选择]Henry wasn't paid because he was the () secretary of the association.
A. honorable
B. honor
C. honored
D. honorary


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