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发布时间:2023-12-08 23:20:46

[简答题]Please discuss Henry James’ contribution to American literature in regard to his representative works, themes, writing techniques and language.

更多"Please discuss Henry James’ contrib"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One of Henry James’ literary techniques innovated to cater for the psychological emphasis is his
A. narrative "point of view"
B. rhetorical devices
C. way of using metaphors
D. way of using symbols
[填空题]Henry James was to some degree interested in voyeuristically exploring his characters’’ psychologies, though he was________this enterprise less by________than by sympathy.
A. A.seduced into … affection
B.impelled to … curiosity
C.goaded into … loath
D.discouraged from … apathy
E.intrigued by … self-pity

[单项选择]The fame of Henry James generally rests upon his novels and stories with ______.
A. historical themes
B. the international themes
C. tragic themes
D. the American theme
[多项选择]What’s Henry James’ outlook, which is an indispensable part of his contribution to literature, in literary criticism
[单项选择]The theme of Henry James’ essay "( )" clearly indicates that the aim of the novel is to present life, so it is not surprising to find in his writings human experiences explored in every possible form.
A. The American
B. The Europeans
C. The Art of Fiction
D. The Golden Bowl
{{B}} A=Henry James B=Theodore Dreiser C=Carl Sandburg D=Sinclair Lewis
Who ...
Henry James When he was growing up in New York, Henry was given a great deal of independence, so much in fact, that he felt isolated from other people. As a quiet child among exuberant brothers and cousins, Henry was more often an observer than a participant in their activities. When, as a young man, a back injury prevented his fighting in the Civil War, he felt even more excluded from the events of his time. While the adult Henry James developed many close friendships, he retained his attitude of observer, and devoted much of his life to solitary work on his writing.
Henry’s family lived for a time in Boston, where he became acquainted with New England authors and friends of his father, began his friendship with William Dean Howells, and attended Harvard L
[单项选择]It is Henry James’ novels and his ______ that make him a fascinating case in the American literary history and a conspicuous figure in world literature.
A. literary essays
B. travel accounts
C. poems
D. plays
[填空题]The percentage of remarriage among divorced Americans is
[单项选择]Appealing to these expectations, Obama told Americans what they want to hear. People with insurance won’t be required to change plans or doctors; they’ll enjoy more security because insurance companies won’t be permitted to deny coverage based on "pre - existing conditions" or cancel policies when people get sick. All Americans will be required to have insurance, but those who can’t afford it will get subsidies.
As for costs, not to worry. "Reducing the waste and inefficiency in Medicare and Medicaid will pay for most of is plan. " Obama said. He pledged to" not sign a plan that adds one dime to our [budget] deficits- either now or in the future. "If you believe Obama, what’s not to like Universal insurance. Continued choice. Lower costs.
The problem is that you can’t entirely believe Obam
A. What is the author’s attitude towards Obama’s reform plan on health- care Welcome.B. Critical.C. Indifferent.D. Approvin


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